
Sunny Seafood Restaurant


5 Reviews



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Sunny Seafood Restaurant Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Fitri Maya Sari


    Sunny Seafood is really a tiny atmosphere conditioned restaurant located inside a light industrial region in U5. As yet not known to many in addition to the locals nearby, that is definitely a concealed gem of a cafe. The wall space are plastered with mouth-watering pictures of these housespecialties to create it easier to location your orders. My own favourite may be the curry crazy boar that is insanely tasty. Another special dish that is not always accessible may be the special fried seafood. This dish includes Ikan Parang which includes all its meats removed, minced and additional with some veggies and then stuffed back to the fish epidermis and deep fried before skin is crispy.

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  • Dwitaks


    We decided to come back for another meal which time with family & the visitng aunt. The eating place was almost complete by enough time we arrived regardless of the heavy downpour. Assistance was quick and helpful as normal but there was a fresh staff which didnot make an impression on us much. He has been fairly gradual, unresponsive & least friendly. In any case, we placed our purchase with the girl owner & staarted to get our dishes in under 20 minutes. Everyone loved the curry crazy boar & pork intestines fried with dried shrimp & chili. The crazy boar had been juicy & tender as the curry was extremely delicious. The intestines were prepared flawlessly and preserved its bouncy however crunchy texture. The serious fried stuffed seafood was okay but lacked a little bit of flavour and had way too many small bones mounted on its pores and skin. The lotus roots fried with mashed salted egg yolk has been tasty but could have been much better if the lotus root slices had been heavy fried till crispy. The water spinach fried in belacan was very good, not too oily or overly spicy. The crabs fried with salted egg yolk has been a group pleaser and got everyone digging set for the last piece. Nevertheless, the claypot butter crabs had been the least well-known. The 'butter' broth tasted similar to margerine and simply didn't match the crabs. They ought to have ready it with either salted or unsalted butter. The costs came around RM280 for 7 dishes, rice & drinks. Affordable in my books.

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  • Rosita Stefani


    We ordered the butter crab eliminate. The crabs isn't fresh and also have "fridge" odor. Believe the crab provides been kept in the fridge for at the very least 2-3 times. Will completely ban this restaurant rather than return again. They actually thought have no idea howto eat and will simply serve people who have bad quality food.

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  • Puccch


    I ordered curry leaves poultry, salted egg crispy cuttlefish and vegetables.. it had been very tasty and worthy of the amount of money.. if i head to shah alam, will certainly visit this place once again.. loved every bite..

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  • Yohanes☆YP☆


    A Restaurant shouldn't be skip in Subang 2. Must consider the crab and prawn. Furthermore the kerapu fish. Excellent place for loved ones gathering. Affordability

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Sunny Seafood Restaurant Location

No. 9 Jalan Bulan H U5/BZ, Bandar Pinggiran Subang, Seksyen U5, Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam 40150 Malaysia

Sunny Seafood Restaurant is located at No. 9 Jalan Bulan H U5/BZ, Bandar Pinggiran Subang, Seksyen U5, Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam 40150 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Shah Alam. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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