
Restoran Lan Je Sdn. Bhd.


5 Reviews



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Restoran Lan Je Sdn. Bhd. Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Ian Yudhis


    We ordered 1 spicy steam fish, a single normal steam seafood, pan fried egg and veggie for our family members. The fishes were new but nothing unique with the flavor. We were a little dissapointed with this meals that Lan Je popular with. Pan fried egg wasa little bit oily. Vegetable has been normal rather than special.

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  • Yuni Ars


    If you're looking quite authentic and fresh tilapia steam, this is actually the right location. Their signature dish may be the Steam Fish, only 1 choice, the Dark Tilapia. You have 3 options : non spicy, spicy and further spicy. Spicy itself will be very duper spicy andthe seafood flesh is super lovely and gentle. One my best seafood steam encounters actually. And their prawns steam, the gravy itself provides pure prawn flavor and smells incredibly amazing. Suggested to purchase one fish per individual, RM16/seafood dish. Other meals such as for example fried wan tan, nice sour chicken, veggies, fried egg. Affordable pricing and pleasant staffs. *no pork offered here*

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  • Mira Iskandar


    Well-known for its steamed fish (non spicy, reasonable or spicy, depends upon your taste!). They will have excellent har lok prawns aswell. Loved it!

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  • Lheea Aubrey


    Lan Je is popular in Rawang on her behalf Talapia steam seafood. One individual one fish may be the slogan. We utilized to visit the wall plug at USJ 1, Subang. I was alone therefore i decided to eliminate. The waitress suggested that I've towait for 20 a few minutes. After 20 moments I acquired my food even though I was paying, another table was requesting the printed bill. THEREFORE I as well requested the printed costs, surprisingly the container for eliminate and plastic handbag are chargeable. Yes I know of the plastic handbag but not the package. I spent nearly RM2 on the container and plastic :O. Individually I think one seafood is too big for me personally and I couldn't surface finish. I only were able to eat fifty percent. The fish is quite refreshing, topped with ginger, garlic, cilantro and chilli padi. When you can take sizzling you may require additional chilli. Went at 7.40pm on the Wednesday, it had been crowded but you can find empty tables every once in awhile. Advise to dine directly into steer clear of the nonsense charges.

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  • Memey Na Fiqa


    Visited the old klang street outlet yday. Priced for moderate fish was told if you ask me coming in at RM19 but expenses came at RM22. Size of the seafood are small dimension, felt cheated. I have been normal at Kota damansara branch for a lot more than 5yrs, servicelevel and dimensions and portions in no way fails me. That why that store are always busy night and day This outlet and the Taman yarl as from exactly the same boss (different brother) as the kd outlet one and rawang one are from another different boss. Both of these outlet tasted much better. Will get back to my normal outlets as meals are all tiptop

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Restoran Lan Je Sdn. Bhd. Location

25-1, Jalan Setia Prima S U13/S, Shah Alam Malaysia

Restoran Lan Je Sdn. Bhd. is located at 25-1, Jalan Setia Prima S U13/S, Shah Alam Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Shah Alam. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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