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Nando's Location

Lg-35 Setia City Mall, No.7, Persiaran Setia Dagang, Bandar Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, Alam Nusantara, Shah Alam, Shah Alam 40710 Malaysia

Nando's is located at Lg-35 Setia City Mall, No.7, Persiaran Setia Dagang, Bandar Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, Alam Nusantara, Shah Alam, Shah Alam 40710 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Shah Alam.The average price range at Nando's is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Nando's is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Shah Alam area. There are different kinds of food in Nando's that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 1-300-88-6555.

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Nando's Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Mario Aprial


    I actually visited Nando's Setia Town Mall this sunday for lunch time with my friends.We'd ordered for luke hot water, also it took them 20mins to obtain water that has been nowhere close to lukewarm. It had been practically at room temp. We requested them to displace itand it got another 10mins to find the same. I and my hubby are pure vegetarian whilst my other two close friends eat chicken. We'd purchased Mushroom Wrap , Veggie Burger and 2 even more non veg meals for the mains. Once the order arrived, my pal checked using them twice whether it's veg or non veg. They said it really is non veg (though her expressions state she had not been confident). I was uncertain, so we confirmed just as before. but her reply had been the same. After looking forward to nearly 20 mins, we questioned where will be our Veg Wrap. Then your chef found out table and began hunting out things it our plates. It had been embarrassing & humiliating, chef making use of his fork to notice what is within our plate. he mentioned that the order that has been served before had not been non veg. It had been veg! I'd have definitely sued if it had been another way round. How difficult it really is for the personnel to create out what purchase is what.!! Disappointed.

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  • Kaka Jovant


    This place could have friendly workers and good food though it is very fustrating to really get your orders right in this outlet at kota kemuning Gamuda Walk. First of all we orderd a complete chicken with a further quarter followed by fairly sweet potato fries. When thequarter arrived it had been breast meat that was fine. When the lovely potatos fries emerged it had been also fine however the amount is definitely less or more whenever we visit every time... mostly less. Once the whole poultry came, all of the meat was breasts that was horrible. We inquired them to follow the original whole chicken that is two breast meats and two drum stay and thies. Once the corrected purchase came, it was nevertheless incorrect as all the meat will be drum stay and thie... oh my god!!! Please get this to place in keeping with service and amount.

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