
Restoran Itik Salai Mastar


9 Reviews



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Restoran Itik Salai Mastar Location

Lot 741, Kampung Rinching Hulu, Semenyih 43500 Malaysia

Restoran Itik Salai Mastar is located at Lot 741, Kampung Rinching Hulu, Semenyih 43500 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Semenyih.The average price range at Restoran Itik Salai Mastar is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Restoran Itik Salai Mastar is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Semenyih area. There are different kinds of food in Restoran Itik Salai Mastar that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Restoran Itik Salai Mastar Reviews


9 Reviews

  • Defra Defra Defra


    That is my third time having my lunch here. I really like the fact that it is possible to select what dish you would like to pair together with your rice. Whether it's smoke cigarettes duck, beef, catfish or poultry. Furthermore, there's selection of 'ulam' or new salad on thetable for you yourself to choose. The very best part is they provide free of charge cordial drinks. The cost of 1 group of dish can range between Rm6 to Rm 9 depends everything you ordered or add. This is actually the place where I'll proceed of I'm craving 'kampung' style dish.

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  • Tataaramadhani21


    I know concerning this restoren from my colleague. They usually stated that the daging salai rocks !. Since ot is close to my office, i quickly go for lunch. That they had all sort of gulai lemak. From daging lembu salai,kambing, itik,keli salai, and telur itik.Otherfoods is merely ulam which and fried poultry. If you want another thing, then this place isn't an option. I experienced daging salai that day time.It really is spicy to my par, so excellent, the meats is thin n tender, the savoury is solid with santan n flavor so excellent. I had buy eliminate for my husband in order that he won't skipped it! Sadly I don't possess pictures for the trip. But worries not,because you can simply google and you will see alot to observe. Till then!

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  • Rani Sonia


    My third stop by at this shop No complaint in the taste. Think it’s great. Avoid going there on weekend break since it will be cramped Don’t forget to use their popular itik salai, daging salai masak lemak and ikan keli

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  • Raymond Iskandar


    I went on weekend, it had been packed eventho it had been at odd hrs. Expect very long queue and itik may finished so need to wait even more for cooking.. fortunate the meals is delicious..

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  • Dday Fday


    To fulfill my curiosity, we detoured to Itik Salai Mashtar (Mashtar smoked duck) inside kajang while about our way house from JB. We tried both smoked duck n smoke cigarettes beef. Both were cigarette smoking good 😋😋😋 these were out of catfish.. No biggie when i don'tlike it... The gravy for the duck has been creamier n saltier than beef. They just served ulam... Two sorts n sambal belacan. I assume the ulam will be more during lunch time. And the neighboring stall offered jumbo size fruit juice for RM 5!! Even though smoked duck n beef were delicious, the area might use some major beautifying n Cleaning!! And we tapau both meals for folks in the home!

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