
Sprezzatura Coffee


8 Reviews



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Sprezzatura Coffee Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • EL


    The opening of the coffee joint in Phileo Damansara is similar to a prayer answered for some of the patrons who frequents this place. Before them, there is no great brewed coffee. And since they started company, I understand of colleagues who frequent the place a lot more than 4 moments a week. They might even shift their entire workspace down and recreation area there to work. If you drill in to the business part of the area, you'll soon learn they are not only seriously interested in their coffee. They're dead seriously interested in their coffee. They're mostly of the providers in Malaysia who in fact roast their very own beans. By knowing that, I assume it's redundant for me personally to even make an effort to justify how good their coffee is. Confidence them, they will offer you your coffee satisfaction.

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  • Katgcr


    The term 'sprezzatura' itself originates from Italian origins, this means : to execute excellently without the apparent effort. Certainly a mouthful, but intrigue business lead me to Sprezzatura Espresso anyway. Their interior was an extremely basic cafe layout, wooden chairs and tables paired with dim lighting and brick walls. It had been cute nonetheles! I came across their baristas to become friendly aswell. Drinks listed below are pretty generic, however they do possess milkshakes for just RM 10. Espresso is priced well below that, super inexpensive for their portions! I came across my cappuccino (RM 5) just average with regards to taste, in all honesty. It had been definitely worth the purchase price though, and I'd definitely suggest this joint for several you cafe hoppers on the market!

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  • Stefano San Juan


    You can find so many cafe currently. It's exactly like this is the age range of cafe however, not all of them learn how to create a right coffee. Nicely, let me recommend one for you. There exists a location that called Sprezzatura Espresso. I heard that a lot of of these customers love the espresso. The ambiance is fairly cozy but when you can avoid the lunch hrs, you much better do. I noticed this place gets crowded as hell throughout that second. Ordered a glass of macchiato that time. I likes the richness of the espresso and creamer combination. Not really too thick rather than too light. Well, the providers were quite gradual but in the event that you loves the espresso, it is possible to live with that.

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  • Jonbon Tabas


    Nice espresso at Phileo Damansara 2, and the baristas have become helpful too. They roast their espresso in the cafe itself, so that it may be slightly noisy for a few. If you like somewhere quiet and don't want to go out smelling like roasted espresso, choose the outdoor sittings that is located behind the cafe.

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  • Loo Shayne D


    Nice espresso at Phileo Damansara 2, and the baristas have become helpful too. They roast their espresso in the cafe itself, so that it may be slightly noisy for a few. If you like somewhere quiet and don't want to go out smelling like roasted espresso, choose the outdoor sittings that is located behind the cafe.

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Sprezzatura Coffee Location

Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

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Sprezzatura Coffee is located at Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Tea & Coffee restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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