
Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow


8 Reviews



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Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow Location

8 Jalan SS 21/58 Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia

Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow is located at 8 Jalan SS 21/58 Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-7731 9818.

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Restaurant Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow Reviews


8 Reviews

  • Dino Medi


    This a newly opened up cafe hence it really is clean and brightly lit. I acquired my Crab Char Kuay Teow(CKT) within 15mins because it is self services i.e. you purchase, pay and gather your own food. The CKT presentation was good but when i dig inI found cockles in my own dish despite of my request of no cockles. The FKT texture was dry, bland, overcooked soggy taugeh and insufficient the wok-hei. Rather than using the larger Ipoh nga choy/ beansprout the neighborhood smaller sized nga choy were utilized. The generous crab meat topping was cold and tasteless- much like the ones that that just arrived from the freezer. Despite of paying $16 for the Crab CKT, I think it is rather strange that I must pay out additional $1(chix egg) or even $2 (duck egg) because egg is really a regular condiment for FKT. I left the area disappointed and wouldn't normally recommend this cafe to some of my close friends because for me the neighborhood coffee shops inside SS2, PJ offers much better taste and worth CKT.

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  • Memmyrizqi


    The Kuay Teow is average, for the purchase price and insufficient service - I'd not bother. There's just kuay teow on the menus, despite 4 woks and chefs, still no program in your kitchen to manage orders. We had to hold back for 45mins right after paying for the food, it’s self assist and insufficient insulation makes the sound carry. If you have time to extra, enjoy waiting around in noisy conditions - then take a look. Cost range - RM 12-20, they charge more for usage of eggs in a few of the selections.

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  • Digithoktav


    Among few AC CKT areas in Klang Valley. Taste was Okay but cost is pricey. Only CKT with different combo. Environment is most likely very clean and food preparation by Chinese only. Busy times not worthy of the waiting.

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  • Rettiana Nuswantari


    Penang people are pleased with their particular potpourri of food; firmly held recipes passed on from one era to another. And I collect they may be very accurate with the substances (the nutmeg should be sourced just from Uncle Holian’s farm or the wokmust end up being cast iron created by Tan etc). In addition, maybe there’s something in the ocean breezes and swaying coconut palm! I’m jesting. However they are good and something of the laundry that’s managed to get to a global food may be the venerable Char Kuoy Teow and I believe everyone has a beloved hawker stall, in Penang. And I state “in Penang” with emphasis. KL people Perhaps drool enviously over foods from yonder and when and “only if” we're able to have a similar thing straight down here, that’d be excellent. I suppose I visited this KL Restoran thinking, “finally.” Therefore, we purchased the quintessential one; duck egg and prawns. It emerged, it smelt great, tasted smoky good enough (from the sizzling wok) ..... but alas, there’s something lacking and I don’t know very well what. Nearly but it’s okay. I bit into the huge prawn (it came as some) and spat it away immediately, disgusted with some chemical substance that’d soaked involved with it without doubt to “preserve” its “freshness.” Zero, this won’t perform! I’m not likely to drop ill from ingesting things like formaldehyde, bleach or comparative. Come on! And thus that’s the ultimate straw. The seek out the ultimate goal continues !!

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  • Milka


    Penang Char Kuay Teow. Very easy to digest, so hard to understand. True fans will will have strong opinions concerning which stall (while some have migrated effectively to the air-conditioned convenience of dining places) fries up THE BEST Best OF THE GREATEST. When wordcirculated (and also a video) of that which was titled Char Kuay Teow King, I possibly could not wait to look at the claim. It had been 1pm on the public holiday. The shop had not been packed. (Hmmm. Which should have already been a clue.) The waiters were inviting and incredibly nice. Mum and We ordered the combo for just two 2: selection of CKT with crab meats or even roast pork, lor bak, and drinks. RM42 - pretty good as the CKT will set you back RM17. We picked a single with crab meats, and another with siew yoke. One with duck egg, another with chicken. (In all honesty, I couldn't inform the difference. Only the purchase price will reveal that is the duck - it expenses a supplementary ringgit.) Food arrived within 10 mins. Yay! We dug in. Even though it wasn't bad, it wasn't wow. The serving was good, with a fairly good topping of crab meats and two big shrimp, as the roast pork version had several pieces. So content-wise - okay la. HOWEVER. It acquired a faint burnt flavour, and lacked flavor.It wasn't bland but I couldn't quite place my finger onto it.There is chee yau char, but do bring together your magnifying glass if you want to place these rare fatty gems. Suffice to state, I was the tad disappointed. But I am returning - as the combo included a RM10 voucher which you can use for the next go to. So yeah - I'll provide this place another possibility. Hopefully, they'll create me consume my words!

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