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Johnny’s Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • AstriAndy


    Johnny’s is really a name (at the very least amongst Malaysians) synonymous with top quality, affordable and halal steamboat. There are several branches over the Klang Valley but essentially the most spacious and likely probably the most popular may be the one in a single Utama. It’s a bitof a large canteen, nothing extravagant, but you’re right here for the food I assume. Service is friendly, regardless of the occasional language difficulties you generally have with Nepalese and Bangladeshi servers, however the shift Manager has been nice and she attempts to be helpful. Steamboat is really a Thai/Southern China speciality, much like Sukiyaki also to the a lot more spicy Mongolian hotpot (and perhaps a distance in accordance with the Cheese Fondue?). It is possible to choose from an enormous list, clean prawns, scallops, seafood, beef and lamb, a number of “meatballs” of either seafood or meats, a lot of vegetables and a large number of options of mushrooms. There’s furthermore many noodle and rice choices. It’s sizeable portions - not generous in order to avoid waste materials - and there’s a good selection of Tom Yam, poultry or vegetable soup! A hearty dinner! Come hungry. A lot of desserts to chose from although I had been far too complete from the steamboat itself. The only real disappointment was when I ordered the Set A (Set B may be the same) and wished to change the egg as I’m allergic they said “it’s company policy” never to allow changes for sets. It’s not just a personal choice right here, an allergy is really a medical reason not really as you don’t like eggs! Some flexibility because of circumstances is practical. They should look into that.

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  • Lail Qodri


    I thought Johnny's eating place served only western meals, but I in no way knew it includes a good selection of Thai food and in addition steam boat. I liked my Pad Kra poultry served with whitened rice. Really neatly served. Taste great. Satisfied with its atmosphere and provider.The meal was included with 10% service charge n price already inclusive GST,

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  • Meditya Tjioe


    A wholesome option specially following the hari raya celebrations, the meals was fresh, great price and served pretty promptly. I'd definately return back. Its also an excellent place to opt for family and friends as cooking steamboat will be fun and interactive for several thediners. Like the coconut ice lotion and the Thai Tea had been quite fragrant and refreshing. The only real reason i didnt provide it a 5 star will be that the service is quite irratic from very fast to super gradual during the night time. I would suggest this to all or any as an excellent meal for friends, family members and also a business group. Never to go solo since it will be a waste not really to have the ability to order all of the dishes on the menus.

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  • Sigit Riyadi


    Ordered several steamboats, fried rice, drinks and desserts. Steamboat though you can seemed cheap but actually its expensive. The part and sizes are little. Pineapple fried rice is quite rather oily. The lime juice is excellent. The blended desserts is nice by once again the portionis instead small.

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Johnny’s Location

1 Lebuh Bandar Utama 1 Utama Shopping Centre, Petaling Jaya 47800 Malaysia

Johnny’s is located at 1 Lebuh Bandar Utama 1 Utama Shopping Centre, Petaling Jaya 47800 Malaysia. This is a Thailand restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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