
Hailam Kopitam - SS2


7 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Hailam Kopitam - SS2 Location

20 Jalan Ss 2/67, Petaling Jaya 47300 Malaysia

Hailam Kopitam - SS2 is located at 20 Jalan Ss 2/67, Petaling Jaya 47300 Malaysia. This is a Integration restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at Hailam Kopitam - SS2 is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Hailam Kopitam - SS2 is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Hailam Kopitam - SS2 that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 19-213 7288.

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Hailam Kopitam - SS2 Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Pentri Syantia


    This café serve with the worst attitude and behavior owner! Purchase croissant, have a normal bread, whenever we questioned, they state they'd change years back, and took aside the breads when I was prepared to eat. We request why do they eliminate ourbread, she simply replied: u don't desire to eat ma! I won't complain and experience upset to restaurant however they don't have a pity party and took apart our food, getting rude to us before all the customers. Forget about next time.

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  • Nazra Ismail


    This restaurant is wonderful for a brief stop for breakfast and tea break for enjoying local delicacies such as for example bread toasts with kaya/butter/peanut butter, half-boiled eggs and Hailam coffee.

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  • Yap Chai Yi


    Had been there for lunch time recently. Asked the dog owner what's their chef's suggestion; Hailam mee and nasi lemak which l purchased the sooner. Portion is little but has several small prawns plus some strips of veges. Nothing at all really fantastic. Environment okay. They havea huge selection of beverages and kopitiam breads. Improbable to go again.

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  • Liew Zhi Xian


    Guess it is a family work company with some foreign employees. It had been so unlucky for all of us as there is no water supply whenever we visited the shop yesterday. Heard the dog owner was telling another consumer that he must buy mineral water froma sundry store nearby. Find yourself, they only serve loaf of bread, egg and beverages. No nasi lemak. That is clearly a major drawback. However we still acquired our breakfast there. Bread was so -thus. Coffees were okay. Customer support was ok.

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  • Mai Zainal


    Despite within an area where great food is by the bucket load, this new design kopitiam appears to have found its footing, as the cafe is packed. Probably because of its air-conditioning and cleaner placing. The meals is averagely kopitiam and priced likewise. Weekendsare very busy, might need to wait for tables.

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