
Goodhome Restaurant


7 Reviews



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Goodhome Restaurant Location

4 Jalan Ss 23/11 Taman Sea, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia

Goodhome Restaurant is located at 4 Jalan Ss 23/11 Taman Sea, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at Goodhome Restaurant is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Goodhome Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Goodhome Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-7497 5201.

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Goodhome Restaurant Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Nihal Pandey


    Just what a great place, the dog owner Edmund & Amy Kwan are outgoing and incredibly friendly, once you walk in your sense welcomed and glad that you came. The cafe is clear and you can start to see the chefs cooking food your dinner thru the glass home windows revealinga very clear work environment. They provide the popular Bak Kut Teh for pork fans. Wonderful fresh ocean seafood prepared to perfection, the very best mixed vegetable mix fry, the okra has been fantastic I ordered a second plate. This place isn't to be missed!

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  • Nuryahya


    Bak Kut Teh (pork soup) is renowned and Great Home does it very best - with love. The rest of the dishes, like the steamed seafood and mixed veggies, were furthermore delightful. The hosts can make you experience welcomed if you fancy regional Chinese foods, giveit a try.

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  • Mo2n.65wrs


    A 5 rating when i must say the amount of assistance and friendliness/kindness are difficult to find to go with the tasty food. We were late plus they had simply closed, but because they saw my 3 month old girl not in her verybest of moods, so when the owners were nevertheless entertaining, they obliged us and why don't we in. Through the entire lunch these were attentive, seeking to help with this lovely small terrors, and were merely excellent 😊. Been some time since we've acquired that sort of service. To best it off, the bak kut teh was amazing and a little different. Wasn't the heavy soup, so initially thought it will be a little diluted but was really amazed when tasting it. Rich flavour, not overweight and tasty selection of meats. Lovely dining experience and can definately be back again to experience their Chinese dishes ☺.

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  • Aris Wibowo


    Just why there are so couple of reviews confuses me??! Each time we've been, we've loved the meals and the services. Lovely people who have lovely food, what even more could you want?! BKT nevertheless awesome, tried some more dishes these times, the otak otak waslovely, will undoubtedly be back to attempt the different designs the possess, tofu with mince pork still helps make me salivate 😂 also it just goes on. With friends, family or whom ever, definately worthy of a visit!

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  • Dhea Rizka


    Jave been there maybe once or twice with my hubby and kids, and just lately with our brothers family and mine. Definitely an excellent location to dine, wide range of meals, BKT to seafood, otak otak also it goes on. What seperates Goodhome from therest may be the degree of warmth and support. Outstanding. Know we will be again and again ☺😊😀.

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