
Man Cafe Pematang Pauh


10 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Man Cafe Pematang Pauh Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Jiang Lily


    sapq2 tau zero fon kedai ni x..

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  • Udaya Manggala


    layanan terbaik. makanan pun sedap. harga pun berpatutan

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  • Nino Chan


    slm..sy nak tau bln puasa kdai buka pkul bpa...sy try col xdpt..sy nak oder mknan utk berbuka pusa dsana..

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  • Dea Monica Auzini


    Bnyak yg perlu di perbaiki terutama mutu makanan Dan minuman...contoh bihun sup rasa atmosphere kosong n rasa masin kicap sahaja..surroundings buah pasti kan buah yg fresh bkn yg dah lama dok dlm peti ais...beef steak daging keras Dan liat...kenyang goreng bercampur yg dah lama goreng..ingat la setiap makanan di bayar boleh customer jd hilang la dgn sebaiknya Dan selayaknya..maaf atas komen saya ni

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  • Cecillia Conellius


    Superb. Gud servis n sensible cost. Murah la banding restoran lain n can be found in big portion

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Man Cafe Pematang Pauh Location

Jalan permatang pauh Permatang Pauh Penang

Man Cafe Pematang Pauh is located at Jalan permatang pauh Permatang Pauh Penang. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Permatang Pauh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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