Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu

Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu


2 Reviews



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Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu Photos

  • Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu Food Photo 1
  • Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu Food Photo 2
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Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu Location

Jalan Pantai Kuala Terengganu Kota Bharu, Pantai Penarik Malaysia

Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu is located at Jalan Pantai Kuala Terengganu Kota Bharu, Pantai Penarik Malaysia. This is a Asia restaurant near the Permaisuri.The average price range at Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Permaisuri area. There are different kinds of food in Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 10-902 9356.

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Udang Celup Tepung Cikgu Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Rendy Isri


    I actually was on my short holiday with my close friends and just randomly end for having lunch time. We spotted this eating place just besides the seaside and have an instant lunch time. The “Udang Celup” and “Ikan Celup” are inexpensive and inexpensive. The sweetness from their refreshing seafoodsmade their celup well-known. Certainly recommend this restaurant for people to try this. *p/s: there are several “celup tepung” restaurant right now there and I wish to try all 🤤

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  • Apreza | LeleMan!


    When to require some info & had been ignored. We considered dining there but because of the assistance & unfriendliness proven by the program person, we made a decision to dine elsewhere. Not really worthwhile! Better eat elsewhere particularly when the whole stretch out of shopsare offering exactly the same ICT😅

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