mijuen (thai foods project)

mijuen (thai foods project)


10 Reviews



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lot 4446 Pangkor Island Perak

Currently closed: 9:00 - 0:00

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mijuen (thai foods project) Photos

  • mijuen (thai foods project) Food Photo 1
  • mijuen (thai foods project) Food Photo 2
  • mijuen (thai foods project) Food Photo 3
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mijuen (thai foods project) Location

lot 4446 Pangkor Island Perak

  • Takeaway

mijuen (thai foods project) is located at lot 4446 Pangkor Island Perak. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Pangkor.The average price range at mijuen (thai foods project) is around $$,and the opening hours are 9:00 - 0:00.mijuen (thai foods project) is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Pangkor area. There are different kinds of food in mijuen (thai foods project) that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60174800768.

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mijuen (thai foods project) Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Dr Asad Chaturvedi


    Servis teruk....maaf bukan nak jatuhkan org melayu....tapi tolongla berniaga dengan serius

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  • Dino Medi


    Très bien

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  • Memmyrizqi


    Kedai ni mahal , if korang datang teluk nipah nampak kedai ni much better pergi makan kedai lain . Pekerja kat sini pun benak-benak belaka. Aku datang 3 orang purchase "tomyam untuk 3 orang makan" sekali yang sampai tiga mangkuk . Tiga mangkuk tu dah macam 9 orang makan. Aje gila. Bila tanya deme tau pulak satu mangkuk untuk 3 orang makan dahtu yang benak pergi hantar sampai tiga mangkuk dah kenapa , ingat kami membela jin ka makan banyak mcmtu. Apa pun jangan datang sini , much better cari tempat lain ja. Pekerja dari waiter sampai cashier semua takleh pakai. Ada otak tapi tak pakai

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  • Digithoktav


    We attained the restaurant about 10 P.m. And its own open up till 11 Pm. We purchased Fried shrimp, fries and fried poultry and beverages. Their fries are actually good and well worth the money. The Poultry fried had been tasteless and had not been at all worthy of the amount of money. The drinks every one of them had been perfect in flavor. And the shrimp has been delicious.

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  • Rettiana Nuswantari


    It is a restaurant selling malay and western food situated at teluk nipah beach area.Emerged here for lunch. It had been packed, purchased nasi ayam and nasi kerabu..Nasi ayam rice was alright, Nasi kerabu includes a nice display, it was included with some natural vegetables, shredded coconut and seafood crackers. But despite having the chilly sauce everything is quite dry that it's very difficult to swallow. The poultry on both food are also extremely dry. It wasn't great.Most iced drinks are server in plastic material cups with a straw. As a ocean turtle conservatory location is at Pangkor, I believe these people should be more environmental helpful to utilize lesser disposable apparatus.Cost is pretty regular.Parking from teluk nipah is fairly challenging.

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