Nasi Goreng Kambing Tanam

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Nasi Goreng Kambing Tanam


7 Reviews




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Jln Salleh Muar Johor

Currently closed: 15:00 - 23:00

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Nasi Goreng Kambing Tanam Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • An Putri


    Nampak warung basic je tapi makanan semua sedap! Murtabak sedap! Nasi goreng padu! Kuew teow goreng sedap! Nasi goreng kambing sedap! Sup kambing pun sedap! Eh semua okayla takde yang tak sedap

  • Maria Stacia


    Nasi Goreng kambing padu...

  • Yaseminakgun


    Purchase nasi goreng babat, babat bau hanyir. Harga mahal pulak tu

  • Made Ayu Anggara Wardhani


    Food is excellent. Nasi goreng kampung will be super spicyyy. Do keep these things ensure it is less spicy in the event that you can’t handle spice

  • S.H.T.


    Superb... Sangat2 pantas.. makanan tiptop atmosphere tiptop.. knp lh org x hipe kn kedai ni.. hoho

  • Er Sunny Singh


    Makanan berdentum, korang jangan datang.. Nnti makanan aku sampai lambat..aku dah bahagie makan kt sini

  • Nevzat Ertan


    Makanan : up to now pegi sini mmg utk makan nasi goreng kambing. Part nasi byk. Isi kambing pun byk. Selak nasi jumpa kambing. Haha sup dia pekat. Mmg sedap hirup panas².Kedai : regular warong.Services : tak lama tunggu. Puas hati.Service : susah sikit nak recreation area, delat dgn simpang 4. Kalau boleh sediakan infant seat sbb meja makan tinggi.Up to now semua bagus.

Nasi Goreng Kambing Tanam Location

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Nasi Goreng Kambing Tanam is located at Jln Salleh Muar Johor. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Muar. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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