Jonker Walk Satay House
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Jonker Walk Satay House


10 Reviews



RM 10 / Person

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Jonker Walk Satay House Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Rizky Fitriani


    Variety of meals to select. The chicken rice golf ball is among the highlight never to miss. As long as you're there, don't skip to test the cendol with gula melaka.

  • Eben WY


    A little crowded during weekend. Foods are ordinary. Challenging to talk to the foreign employees in english or malay

  • Asha Narayanan


    The place is merely near Jonker Street, while watching Famosa chicken rice ball shop along Jalan Hang Kasturi. I believe it's relatively new store, I didn't notice this shop in my own last visit 2 yrs ago. I really like satay therefore i was delightedto consume some whenever we visited Melaka. It is a busy location, with plenty of clients. Satay is great, although I've had much better, the beef one is really a bit tough. The vocabulary barrier could be a problem when interacting with the employees as not all of these can talk in english. I understand some Malay words, therefore we could actually obtain by, but I could tell the non-english talking staff have a tendency to "pretend" they don't really see you contacting for them.

  • Moza Moza


    Avoid please to hectic, little portions and service sucks. Greatest give it a skip. The atmosphere is among caos and Chinese are served first if you not anticipate to be ignored.

  • Aliffa Handriani


    Satay and sauce could possibly be thicker to earn at the very least a 4star. Flavor: nothing special Can come if searching for pork and beef satay

  • Shidney Oweng


    The worst pork satay I've even eaten! I had been attracted by the odor of the satay while strolling at night shop and wished to try their satay. Ordered the pork satay also it was the worst type of satay ever! The satay smelled great but tastedreally bland and the meats was really hard. Area of the Famosa chain - realized this too late - won't have got bothered easily had known. Their poultry rice is v poor as well and you also can't help but believe they don value the quality given that they must get plenty of unsuspecting visitors daily and creating a lot even though their foods is subpar.

  • Emmanuella Kania Mamonto


    Satay taste just... typical, the server appears restless... maybe it is because we proceeded to go for lunch rather than dinner.

  • Eunice Nicolette


    Wanted to got satay and saw this eatery close by and considered having it a go. Oh gosh... Most severe satay I ever endured. The pork n poultry satay not really juicy at all, very hard to chew. It is possible to still see the specific rice inthe ketupat, it's like eating regular rice. The satay sauce does not have pineapple sauce inside it which I anticipate all of the satay in Malacca could have that. Worst situation is the cucumber need to be individually ordered (generally cucumber and satay sauce includes it when you purchased satay). Overall, actually bad!

  • Arizha Octavianti


    I have never ever tasted worse satay than these! One stick price RM1 and we have been so exhausted with all the current strolling. The satay tasted therefore bland, small saucer of sauce and miserable cucumbers and onions. Is definitely horrible! This is actually the worse dinner that Ihad in malacca!

  • Anita Xie


    These Satays are poor, we just wanted an instant satay as a snack, this place might put you away from satays forever. Horrible, attempt somewhere else.

Jonker Walk Satay House Location

Jonker Walk Satay House is located at 17 Jalan Hang Kasturi, Melaka 75200 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Melaka. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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