
Breeze Lounge - The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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  • Sunday: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Monday: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Tuesday: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Thursday: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Friday: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00

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Breeze Lounge - The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Mirna Namira


    We enjoyed two foods at the Breeze Lounge as well as nightly cocktails. Very properly presented and prepared foods. The staff is quite friendly and always pleased to help with suggestions about what beverages can be found. Enjoyed our time right here.

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  • Amelia Fitriyani


    Good music, wonderful views but... Was left disappointed simply by super slow support. We waited 20 moments for beverages and waited a lot more than 15 mins for the second round of beverages before we made a decision to quit and cancel our 2nd order. We'd a muchnicer knowledge on our first go to- service was somewhat quicker. On the plus part, one man (sorry I don’t understand the title of the server who offered us two times on our two appointments right here...he wore a fedora and a black t-shirt) really was good to us both visits and incredibly apologetic on the subject of our disastrous second check out. Mostly another staff ignored us a lot (despite the fact that we got there previously and it was fairly empty) also it was challenging for all of us to obtain attention. Food offering sensible it is the identical to room services, and The Seasonal Flavor downstairs- nothing at all to shout about.

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  • Khairina Suwitri


    Went here twice whilst staying at the resort and both instances the service has been just awful. Both moments we waited roughly half an hour for our beverages to be delivered over. The 1st time they had been busy therefore i was ready to give advantage of thedoubt, the next time there have been only us plus 3 other few in the complete bar. We attempted to order another drink plus some dinner during the 2nd visit, but quit after almost 20 mins so when we visited cancel they hadn’t also viewed the order however, and had didn't take note of the meals order at all. The only real reason this doesn’t get yourself a 1 Star is that the views from the bar are perfect

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  • Berlian Ivana


    This is a truly lovely spot with fantastic views and we went generally in most evenings after dinner for a glass or two and to pay attention to the live music. Actually liked this and there didn't appear to be much they couldn't play. In the event that you obtained Christianor Ryan the provider was quick and helpful, a few of the others had been completely different though. We do wait age range some nights - mainly we weren't bothered once we were calm and on hol - occasionally we were actually irritated about any of it as there didn't appear to be any cause why it had been so slow. There exists a large tv in your community behind the money desk and we watched a Tottenham match here one night - we won as well!- its not really intrusive for various other guests and mainly you wouldn't understand it was there. We also felt that the burgers - whilst we waited for the airport exchange -- were really delicious and the chips yummy! properly I believed that, OH had purchased steak fries and wasn't impressed he obtained skinny ones - lifestyle could be so hard sometimes! I'm really not amazed to get that - after 11 nights - I must find away that there have been complimentary cocktails each earlier night time!!!!! Or is that simply for the Aussie visitors? Will forgive them exclusively in line with the views..........

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  • Mutiara Putri Parastira


    The band playing every evening was simply phenomenal. They sang in two or three 3 part harmony, that is very high degree in comparison to what you notice in most resort lounges. If the Westin makes sense, they will keep hold of this group! All of the food Iate right here had been delicious, but very costly. And drink program was incredibly slow. Each time. To begin with, often there have been only several tables occupied by clients, and the employees wouldn't research and see in the event that you were contacting them. And then once you finally ordered, once again, with the area nearly empty, beverages came 20-30 a few minutes later. On the initial time that I arrived, I has been the only individual there in the lounge since it was 1pm which is even more of an evening location. I was starving, looking forward to my area to be equipped for check in, also it took 45 moments to get my foods, and I had been the only customer.

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Breeze Lounge - The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa Location

The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa Jalan Pantai Dato Syed Omar The Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia

Breeze Lounge - The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa is located at The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa Jalan Pantai Dato Syed Omar The Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia. This is a Bar restaurant near the Langkawi. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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