
Valentine Roti


9 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Business hours
  • Monday: 16:00 - 2:00
  • Tuesday: 16:00 - 2:00
  • Wednesday: 16:00 - 2:00
  • Thursday: 16:00 - 2:00
  • Friday: 16:00 - 2:00
  • Saturday: 16:00 - 2:00

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Valentine Roti Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Neni


    Wow . As a westener required little bit of courage to simply rock up as of this restaurant but,,, that is among the best dining encounters I have had in every my outings to KL! Rotis are usually cooked perfectly sharp an buttery. Poultry and dahl isdelicious. That is place is really a gem!

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  • Sheren


    There are a great number of raves in relation to Valentine Roti and wished to have a look at myself. I had not been disappointed. The roti canai was big nonetheless it didn’t felt it had been heavy. Instead, it’s therefore crispy and lighting that one may probably have significantly more than theirusual helping. Love how in addition they supply the sambal with the curry without requesting it - authentic local design of eating roti canai. Order the main one with egg too also it was also great! The dough appears to have infused with the egg, unlike the standard roti canai where there's only a part where one can taste the egg. The place is fairly central but additionally secluded. Obtaining a taxi or Get may be the better option.

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  • Febriyan Chandra Prakasa


    We'd read many reviews to get the best roti in KL and Valentine Roti was often mentioned. They didn't disappoint. We tried an array of roti over 2 visits- Canai (simple), Telur (egg), Tampal (egg fried inside), Kaya (coconut spread), Boom (glucose andbutter), Milo (sprinkled with Milo powder), and also Murtabak Ayam (delicious combination of poultry and onions inside), Each visit, where we'd 6 roti between us, plus tasty freshly squeezed fruit drinks, price around 30 ringgit (approx $10 AUD right now). A complete discount for a filling food for 2-3 individuals! The setting isn't fancy, so you shouldn't be place off by the environment. A server should come to your desk to take your purchase. The people we had didn't seem to talk any English, therefore we just pointed from what we desired as our Australian accents stating the words seemed hard fo them to comprehend. We ordered 2 at the same time and when they shipped our purchase, ordered another 2 plus they arrived pretty very much once we were finishing the initial lot. As it pertains time to pay, visit the counter and the server should come over to inform the person at the sign up what we purchased. I was impressed they remembered our orders so precisely! Definitely worth a trip.

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  • Fahrul


    So a lot of hype about the Roti Valentine nonetheless it failed my expectation. Only a typical Indian eating place serving the neighborhood indian delicacy. Its a favorite hangout among locals right here though.

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  • Annisa Rahmananda


    I always astonished by teh tarik that is having thicc foam. Obviously, however, not making me surprised, the roti canai was therefore damn good needlessly to say. Even, I nevertheless don't think this is actually the greatest one, but I really like how they deal with the client byquickly serving. All of the meals I acquired so fresh, still very hot too. We tried their Nasi Goreng Kampung, and I really like it so much! Nasi goreng kampung includes Ikan Bilis, and very spicy. But I'll repeat once again that I really like it so much!

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Valentine Roti Location

Stor no 1 Jalan Semarak opposite Menara Celcom, Kuala Lumpur 54000 Malaysia

Valentine Roti is located at Stor no 1 Jalan Semarak opposite Menara Celcom, Kuala Lumpur 54000 Malaysia. This is a Indian restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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