Tian YaKe Ban Mian

Tian YaKe Ban Mian


1 Reviews



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Tian YaKe Ban Mian Photos

  • Tian YaKe Ban Mian Food Photo 1
  • Tian YaKe Ban Mian Food Photo 2
  • Tian YaKe Ban Mian Food Photo 3
  • Tian YaKe Ban Mian Food Photo 4
  • Tian YaKe Ban Mian Food Photo 5
  • Tian YaKe Ban Mian Food Photo 6
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Tian YaKe Ban Mian Location

Lorong Haji Taib 5, Chow Kit,, Kuala Lumpur 50350 Malaysia

Tian YaKe Ban Mian is located at Lorong Haji Taib 5, Chow Kit,, Kuala Lumpur 50350 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Tian YaKe Ban Mian is around $$,and the opening hours are 7:00 - 17:00.Tian YaKe Ban Mian is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Tian YaKe Ban Mian that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Tian YaKe Ban Mian Reviews


1 Reviews

  • Ranya Kantaoop


    This eatery will will have a special invest my heart and always triggers some fond memories. My moms and dads used to create us here whenever we were barely teens. Back those days, business really was great and hordes of devoted customers would collect herefor a warm and sweaty lunch time by the 5 feet method along Lorong Haji Taib 5. In the past, these were stationed outside a vintage sawing supplies shop. Now after much growth of this type and a new developing has been erected (GM Plaza), they will have right now moved to the backlane in between two rows of stores. The seating capability has been significantly reduced because of this. The crowd appears to be less nowadays too. Seating continues to be out on view and can get yourself a little hot inside the afternoon. They utilized to knead the dough yourself and have today resorted to utilizing an empty beer bottle as a rolling pin. Flavor wise, I still choose the days of the past. The broth was very much thicker and the flavour very much punchier. But regardless of the quality going for a hit through the years, its nevertheless much better than the pan mee you'd enter regular coffee shops. We had 2 dishes of pan mee with additional toppings and 2 cups of cincau for a cost of RM18.00. Decent rather than pricey thinking of their legacy and the positioning being in the town centre.

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