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The Legend's Claypot Briyani House is located at 50, Jalan Vivekananda, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur 50470. This is a Indian restaurant near the Brickfields.The average price range at The Legend's Claypot Briyani House is around RM 27 / Person,and the opening hours are 11:00 - 22:30.The Legend's Claypot Briyani House is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Brickfields area. There are different kinds of food in The Legend's Claypot Briyani House that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60322724149.
The Legend's Claypot Briyani House is located at 50, Jalan Vivekananda, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur 50470. This is a Indian restaurant near the Brickfields.The average price range at The Legend's Claypot Briyani House is around RM 27 / Person,and the opening hours are 11:00 - 22:30.The Legend's Claypot Briyani House is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Brickfields area. There are different kinds of food in The Legend's Claypot Briyani House that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60322724149.
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5 Reviews
Nora Sandrina
The restaurant name drives ones mind directly into place which is specialized for biriyani dishes, but my experience is completely different with this place. Biriyanis r just average or above average. What are special here r fish curries & fried fish. Really tasty. Give a try. You will like it.
appraise this reviewMutia Rachma
这天欢爸心血来潮带我们jalan-jalan cari makan, 不知不觉来到了Brickfield就想尝尝网上推荐的美食之一: The Legend's Claypot Briyani!. 这里除了有出名的瓦煲Briyani饭, 也有香蕉叶饭。 话说我对香蕉叶饭Banana leaf rice还情有独钟的。 第一次真正吃到好吃的香蕉叶饭是在马大的时候, 朋友带我到大学附近一家香蕉叶餐厅吃的。 至今, 我还是怀念那里的味道。 无奈现在住在城市的另一边, 要去那里还真不是很方便。 所以当老公说可以吃到香蕉叶饭, 我还挺期待的。
appraise this reviewNuray Esen
The squid was not fresh, seems the worst squid sambal that I never ever tasted before this. The seafood claypot briyani was delicious but the squids and prawns were can be countable. Hope the management will improve their service. Thank you.
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