
Sichuan Kungfu Fish


3 Reviews



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Sichuan Kungfu Fish Location

GF-8B & 8C, The Waterfront@Parkcity, 5, Kuala Lumpur 52200 Malaysia

Sichuan Kungfu Fish is located at GF-8B & 8C, The Waterfront@Parkcity, 5, Kuala Lumpur 52200 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Sichuan Kungfu Fish is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Sichuan Kungfu Fish is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Sichuan Kungfu Fish that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 14-263 0701.

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Sichuan Kungfu Fish Reviews


3 Reviews

  • Berkay Ulukan


    Search this brand name was actually the franchise brand name from China by mr Qi Chunhua, founder of Spicy Kungfu Seafood, is really a connoisseur of Sichuan meals and has traveled around China and the planet to master his grilled fish. We Came here about 6 Junefor supper. It’s was full whenever we left at 7pm. Have both interior and outside seating and desa parkcity are usually pet friendly. WE'D tomato flavor seafood fillet with include noodles, potatoes and soybean roll @ RM68.90. My toddler love the soup simply because it’s sweet rather than sour while have tomato taste to it. Soybean roll are usually served separately and enable you to dip in the hotpot bathing in the goody soup are actually yummy. Would strongly suggest this dish, best for young and previous. Fish are lighting fried and it’s clean with significant grams like 380g, ideal for 2-3 people in the event that you order dishes along Dried shrimps scallion oil noodle little @ RM8.90. Scallion noodles are homemade but appear overcook as it’s as well soft to your liking. Grilled eggplant little @ RM8.90. Another excellent dish minus the essential oil as it’s as well oily. Entire brinjal was place to grill, nevertheless I felt the prepare put solution to much essential oil while grilling the brinjal or the topping are usually oily type minced garlic. Without the essential oil, this dish has been another champion.👍simple dish but properly executed Christine and Alan were pleasant and individual. Alan was individual in explaining and offering suggestion on the menus while christine got my order really was nice to provide me a plate of Sichuan mala soup individually because of my toddler can’t consider spicy And I informed her I really like spicy food. The mala soup was nice and fragrant but lacking the spicyness and it’s really oil. I scooped up the essential oil floating about 1/2inches on the soup, and drank everything.😬the peppercorn have become fragrant. I will end up being back to attempt their other seafood dish and other meals and desserts aswell. Food was excellent and service were helpful. I left sensation yummy in my own tummy.

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  • DinoZZo


    love the fish plus fish soup, the non spicy a single the soup is flavor awesome! aspect dish the eggplant, salad, cucumber, spring roll furthermore taste good.

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  • Rafa Dhafina


    Located simply by the park within this beautiful setting, along with a lot of parking outside, it had been our very first time to the area. Who owns the restaurant told us in duration how it operates and how exactly to order. Because it was rather great thatday, we sat outside. Therefore we purchased the Sichuan Cod seafood called headmaster magic formula cod. We didn't know there is several degrees of spiciness: small, moderate, hot and super popular. Ours just been medium. That is something I have to remember for the next sitting. It had been Super super spicy. We'd to remove the seafood, potatoes and lotus root from the broth, allow it cool down a little and then benefit from the food. Quite spicy! However the cod seafood was very yummy. (RM 78.90) Really zero complain there. I desire they might have told us concerning the various degrees of spiciness. We furthermore shared some dried shrimps noodles prepared in onion scallion essential oil. (RM 8.90) It had been tasty but too salty for my flavor. And we'd one Carlsberg ale (RM15.90) The expenses found RM114.05. We shall get back to try various other dishes.

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