
Satay Station


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 17:00 - 2:00
  • Monday: 17:00 - 2:00
  • Tuesday: 17:00 - 2:00
  • Wednesday: 17:00 - 2:00
  • Thursday: 17:00 - 2:00
  • Friday: 17:00 - 2:00
  • Saturday: 17:00 - 2:00

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Satay Station Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Makansamaaku


    Restaurant has only chairs on view. The main was six of poultry and another six of lamb. The sides had been rice ketupat, onion and cucumber. The helping of meats was generous, heavy and chunky. The lamb meats was a weebit as well fatty and I must pull it aside. Would prefer the meats to end up being thinner and much more marinated. Thankfully I sat beside a position fan, else could possibly be quite warm in the the sunshine. The gravy had been the savior with good mixture of peanuts.

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  • Aryani Andrieza


    A bit pricey, however the satay will probably be worth every ringgit. Chunky and juicy meats. I've never seen larger ones too, therefore i was very pleased I got eventually to try something delicious! You can elect to have your meal beyond your kampung house, but if youare lucky like me, it is possible to eat inside provided there aren't many patrons. Completely air-conned. Nice decor, as well.

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  • Ririn Anggraini


    Everything is pricey inside this unassuming house eating place that serves satay like their main fare, as well as other Malay foods such as for example mee rebus, nasi lemak, rib bone soup. It is possible to elect to dine outside in organic conditions or inside which is coolbut need to seat on to the floor over a low desk. I tried the poultry satay also it was absolutely tasty. Marinated and grilled to perfection, it really is chunky (1.5 to two times bigger than normal satay sold outside). The meats is tender and offered with delicious spicy peanut gravy. The rib bones soup includes juicy tender high quality ribs in fact it is remarkably spicy (for me personally Perhaps). The mee rebus furthermore taste tasty. The nasi lemak is fairly good however the sambal will be exceptional. Assistance was friendly and effective. Roadside parking is sufficient.

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  • Sisilia Ch


    This is actually the best satay in KL. It could be considered pricy for some, but each skewer includes a kilo of meats onto it!! I would state it is real affordability,... delicious! The ideal amount of fat among the lean meat.

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  • Jovan Franswijaya


    We love to experience friends within this house restaurant that serves tasty Satay, Mee Rebus, Nasi Lemak & Rib Bone Soup. The home is indeed comfortable and ideal if you need to do a special birthday or college reunion. The poultry satayis tasty. I tried all of the food here, like all of them specifically the Satay. Do not forget to attempt the "Teh Tarik" its super fine. The staff was helpful and efficient.

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Satay Station Location

No. 55, Jalan A, Jalan Kampung Pandan,, Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia

Satay Station is located at No. 55, Jalan A, Jalan Kampung Pandan,, Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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