Museum Restaurant
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Museum Restaurant


10 Reviews



RM 35 / Person

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Museum Restaurant Location

Museum Restaurant is located at Jalan Lembah Perdana Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 50480 Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Museum Restaurant is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Museum Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Museum Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-2092 7070.

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Museum Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Devi Yong


    We enjoyed our foods quite definitely. The lamb was specifically delicious. Yet as effective as the meals is, the elegant environment type of steal the present. This whole building is drop lifeless gorgeous and the eating place isn't an exception. So happy we waited tohave lunch time here. The cafe was gradual and the assistance was good. I'd certainly recommend and revisit.

  • Wii Alexander


    Had a go to to the beautiful museum and right after 4 hours we sensed famish and had been looking towards a nice meal. We ordered a loaf of bread and soup dish and the rice combo with herbal poultry. The laundry were ok. I have pointed out that thesetting of the desk was poor. There is no cutlery, cells or salt or pepper thinking of it is a museum cafe with a minimum cost bracket of above RM20/- . I simply proceeded to order when i observed now there was only 1 waiter serving a good numbers of customer in this lunch hour. The dishes surprising resulted in not too later n as usual I'd like to get a serviette to completely clean my hands n cutlery before eating my lunch time. I made my basic request to the helping waiter whom completely forgotten such basic demand. I then use my very own soft small cells to completely clean myself before eating. Properly his forgetfulness ensued till I completed my lunch. We also spot the glasses weren't properly clean. It was a genuine pity because of this bo bo. I'll not purchase dishes without good providers as this isn't a canteen or cafe but a eating place that not only costs for food but gather a 10% service fees too. So much better be great to cheer up a famish consumer.

  • Edi Sltga


    I arrived at 2pm in a Sunday right after my visit of the museum. There is only 1 waiter but I has been the only diner therefore the service was great though the waiter didn't speak a phrase. The roast lamb had been tasty and the tablesseemed properly laid. The floor had not been correctly cleaned but that didn't affect my pleasure of the meal. Perfectly for a museum eating place. Fast service of delicious food.

  • Indri Dwi Safitri


    This meal could have been very good in virtually any LC city centre restaurant. Well cooked malay foods in a cool cafe, served by polite, useful waiters in a lovely building

  • Snm Atmaca


    Just 4 individuals were eating generally there during our visit. This type of shame because the food was tasty and brilliant value. Strongly suggested.

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