
Les Oliviers Restaurant


5 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Les Oliviers Restaurant Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Ceylin


    The claim they cook with only essential olive oil...We believe them because they started their company by selling essential olive oil of the exact same brand name... anyway..the meals is tasty and tasty...love the poultry and lamb tanjine...I could never have more than enough of the chicken specifically...my boy enjoyedthe grilled lamb... They will have set lunch with realistic prices...nicely their normal meals from the menu may also be at an extremely reasonable price in comparison to eating at any Moroccon restaurants or center eat restaurants about KL. The flavor and quality is approximately the same...I nevertheless come here to take pleasure from the meals... don't expect very much from the decoration...I've seen significantly nicer decor somewhere else but I assume it displays in the costs of the foods for those places.. My children enjoys dining right here..the staff members are warmth and freindly...okay the dessert is really a little bit of the "as well sweet" part for my flavor bud...but if you want sweet you'll benefit from the dessert... They will last with their particular fragrance tea to get rid of the dinner...excellent tea...have a look at this place...you'll think it’s great..

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  • Selma Güveli


    Was browsing Vacation Advisor when We bumped into this eating place and realized I've not trained with reviewed. First upward, it is no more at Maju Junction because the venue is currently redeveloped as Parkson and the initial tenants have shifted out. Loved the foodhere, fav contains chicken tangine and chicken shawarma. Great spot to do private work as well. Reasonable cost and established lunches are created available. Too awful they moved. Would cherished to accomplish repeat visit

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  • Hakan Gedikönü


    We had a family group dinner yesterday evening at Les Oliviers, they're today located at the Crimson Floor covering, The Strand, Kota Damansara, Its our first-time there do we'd some help in consuming our orders, we has cous cous poultry, hummus 3 helping, ChickenMandhy, Lamb Tanjine 2 servings, Moroccan lamb grill,some salad and maogluba lamb associated with either rice or bread, In all honesty I didnt anticipate the meals to be that very good nonetheless it was very significantly better than expected. I could state that the Maogluba, cous cous poultry and Tanjine lamb excellent, they arrived favourites amongst us a celebration of 8. The hummus was also very delicious probably the best around thats why we'd 3 servings, overall I'd this place a 5* with the delicious foods served.

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  • Rizki Erasapto


    Les Oliviers Cafe used to possess their restaurant with Maju Junction Mall. We have visited the main one in Kota Damansara at Strand Mall Crimson Carpet. As I also have loved Moroccan Cuisine, I've wanted to try should they have Lamb Tagine with Ras ElHanout Spices marinade with prune and honey. They don't really serve this with couscous, that you've to order another dish of couscous with lamb. However the flavor if it.. oh my god.. if you're the moroccan meals lover.. this is actually the same flavor like in Mansouria Eating place in Paris which belongs to Chef Fatima Hal. Restaurant is big also it open anytime of the day. I am currently looking towards my trip in-may for another round of Lovely Lamb with Honey couscous.

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  • Bon Appetit Diary


    Lovely people right here. Some very nice tasting authentic Moroccan foods available. Tried the lamb with the salad. Loaf of bread was fresh and delicious too. The restaurant is really a big one and i really believe open long hours night and day. Our normal taxi driver took us to KotaDamansara and waited a few hours while we ate, then took us back again to our resort. (feel absolve to private information me for information and contacts)

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Les Oliviers Restaurant Location

1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail Maju Junction Mall, Kuala Lumpur 50250 Malaysia

Les Oliviers Restaurant is located at 1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail Maju Junction Mall, Kuala Lumpur 50250 Malaysia. This is a Mediterranean restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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