
Legend's Claypot Briyani House


4 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Legend's Claypot Briyani House Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • Melanie Alarcon


    If you're the fan of Indian foods, particularly biryani, then Legend Claypot ought to be on your radar. It's quite common to get biryani joints in Malaysia nonetheless it will be a rarity to get claypot biryani. This business also happen to take action well. At Legends, you'll have a selection of biryani servings to pick from; chicken, seafood, mutton, seafood or vegetarian. The biryani is prepared in a clay pot on a chargrill stove and is usually served since it is. It also offered with raita and rasam, as sides. The part is generous and you will be very filling for just one person. For those who have a reasonable appetite, talk about it with somebody. I would recommend the chicken or even mutton biryani - since they will be the 'classics', compared to others. Besides biryani, Legends can be well-known for its claypot crab. Normally, this is somewhat pricier than all its some other dishes but will undoubtedly be worthy of every cent - like the GST. The flavours of the crab jives nicely with the wealthy, spicy flavours of the gravy, producing a mouth-watering knowledge. Legends offers customers ala carte meals and banana leaf foods. In the event that you live closeby - in addition they run a delivery assistance.

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  • Joe Woods


    Look elsewhere. We went here for goat(mutton) biriyani, and I acquired served Lamb biriyani. I possibly could easily show that the meat had not been fresh either, therefore i left this apart and purchased Nasi Lemak instead. Their Basic Dosa was very good, but I did not be expectant of to be disappointed with the biriyani. I'll not returned here, as you can find so many places close by that are far better. Also the Te Tarik has been so-so.

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  • Lum Yoke Lin


    If you're the fan of Indian foods, particularly biryani, then Legend Claypot ought to be on your radar. It's quite common to get biryani joints in Malaysia nonetheless it will be a rarity to get claypot biryani. This business also happen to take action well. At Legends, you'll have a selection of biryani servings to pick from; chicken, seafood, mutton, seafood or vegetarian. The biryani is prepared in a clay pot on a chargrill stove and is usually served since it is. It also offered with raita and rasam, as sides. The part is generous and you will be very filling for just one person. For those who have a reasonable appetite, talk about it with somebody. I would recommend the chicken or even mutton biryani - since they will be the 'classics', compared to others. Besides biryani, Legends can be well-known for its claypot crab. Normally, this is somewhat pricier than all its some other dishes but will undoubtedly be worthy of every cent - like the GST. The flavours of the crab jives nicely with the wealthy, spicy flavours of the gravy, producing a mouth-watering knowledge. Legends offers customers ala carte meals and banana leaf foods. In the event that you live closeby - in addition they run a delivery assistance.

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  • Alvin Liew


    Look elsewhere. We went here for goat(mutton) biriyani, and I acquired served Lamb biriyani. I possibly could easily show that the meat had not been fresh either, therefore i left this apart and purchased Nasi Lemak instead. Their Basic Dosa was very good, but I did not be expectant of to be disappointed with the biriyani. I'll not returned here, as you can find so many places close by that are far better. Also the Te Tarik has been so-so.

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Legend's Claypot Briyani House Location

Brickfields No.50, Ground Floor, Jalan Vivekananda 50470 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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Legend's Claypot Briyani House is located at Brickfields No.50, Ground Floor, Jalan Vivekananda 50470 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a cuisine restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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