
Kim Hing Lee


8 Reviews



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Kim Hing Lee Location

No. 7 Jalan 54 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur 52100 Malaysia

Kim Hing Lee is located at No. 7 Jalan 54 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur 52100 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Kim Hing Lee is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kim Hing Lee is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Kim Hing Lee that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Kim Hing Lee Reviews


8 Reviews

  • Wilson Tan


    From the annals, this restaurant 's been around since 1982 but mostly established in Sabah. Just lately, it has set up branches at Puchong and Kepong. Properly, I was simply happened moving by this store at Kepong 2 several weeks ago and in those days, it wasnot crowded...just a few customers at once. However now, all tables are usually fully occupied and have to wait before obtaining chairs. Why was that therefore in only 1 - 2 weeks, this restaurant is becoming so well-known...what's the differences they have? Without a doubt, the differences are; 1. Pork Meat The pork is served in thin slices however the nearly all distinguish point here's soft texture... I never really had this type of soft meat consistency. It just offers you a complete different feel in comparison with others, which normally include harder and dry consistency. 2. Broth / Soup Its soup is among the excellent pork soup that We ever endured. It is prepared so that the pork juices provides blended well involved with it, which you could flavor every richness of pork. By allowing the soup to stay down, your naked eye could obviously visit a layer of combination in the bottom that provides this type of tasty soup. It really is so authentic, full taste... 3. Chili Its chili is hot and blended good with vinegar... cannot get enough of it Nevertheless, its noodle is relatively normal... nothing specific. They assist soup and dried out noodle options. Up for grabs, it has whitened vinegar, which suggested to put several drops into its broth. It offers you some sour punch. It creates some differences. This is a must attempt meals.... but just a little pricey .. RM8 per bowl. Well, worth it spent. Happy eating :)

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  • Lia Permata


    This place have been recently recommended by way of a friend for pork noodles. To the friend, a million thanks a lot indeed. The soup will be flavorful without MSG syndrome. The noodles had been al dente and soft. The slim slices of pork fillet had been the superstars as these weresilky simple, smooth and ultra tender and prepared to perfection. The.pig innards were furthermore delicious. This is actually the absolute best in KL. The restaurant is clean and comfy too. Certainly on my set of regular food outlets.

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  • Charisa Glesiandra


    I was taken to this coffee store by way of a Sabahan friend understanding that I like the favorite Sinsuran Sang Nyuk Mee served inside Kota Kinabalu along with other towns. It didn't disappoint because the mee served had been as tasty as though it had been served inKota Kinabalu.

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  • Izminurrahmi


    Specialised within sliced pork noodles. There wasn't any food menu accessible, you either purchase soup noodle, or dried toss noodle. The flavor was above average, therefore was the purchase price. A tiny plate of noodle will cost you RM9.00. Heavy fried fish cake has been freshand spongy. In some way this dish was popular on the list of kids. Worth a trip just to go through the popular pork noodle, but undoubtedly not the very best value money can purchase.

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  • Fajar Noviandy Lesmana


    Food Sliced pork meat ready well, tender and gentle, soup is good. Cleanliness and ambience Not heading back again not due to food is awful but cigarette smoking allowed, dark ambiance and poor cleanliness will be the significant reasons of why a not really. Price RM9 per bowlis sensible because the quantity of serving is generous. Sound harsh with this review but have no idea why the uncomfortably is solid (should be the expectation of cleanliness for a store). Seldom I'm sensation of leaving the area as shortly as I could, but for that one, I am because I could have a feel great and good dinner at many places as well.

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