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Kakiyuki Location

163 Retail Park, Kuala Lumpur 50480 Malaysia

Kakiyuki is located at 163 Retail Park, Kuala Lumpur 50480 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Kakiyuki is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kakiyuki is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Kakiyuki that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Kakiyuki Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Ali Yıldırım


    We ordered an iced desert which came 6 ins most of scraped ice with milk, condiments of nuts, jelly coffee beans and small bits of ?fruits;it bore a solid resemblance to the ubiquitous flavor of the dark forest cake,a fascinating dessert combine indeed.Took me very awhile to finish this particular generous ice desert,acquired a satisfying experience though.If you ask me,an unusually nice iced chocolate dish....nearly all extraordinary .Meanwhile,my partner who is suffering from lactose intolerance,chosen another iced dish,free from milk,in a variety of hues of the rainbow colors but with somewhat comparable condiments inside and she as well apparently enjoyed herself.The developer decoration with the equally soothing furniture and bluish theme emitted a relaxed ambience,although lighting were a tad too bright .Having said that,I'm impressed with the entire create,the relatively modest costs (when a single brings into thing to consider the elaborate expertise had a need to prepare these delicate iced meals).The girl owner arrived intermittently to make sure diners comfort... Japanese styled hospitality.Overall a very pleasant knowledge.4 stars..recommended.

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  • Mustafa Yirikoğlu


    The signature lighting bitter and greenie matcha taste, which will satisfy your matcha cravings! It is possible to matcha latte cool or genuine matcha in warm and cold.

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  • Alperen BEKKAYA


    For loyal matcha clients, the real matcha flavor is here now with hot or cool to fulfill your cravings!

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  • Thyra Annisaa


    If you have lovely tooth, then this title will never be stranger for you. Serving among the best Kakigori in city, they have many branches in PJ, KL and also Cheras. Personally I will not go here or even for the nagging children who wantsomething sweet. So far I'd gone to the one within Paramount PJ and 163 Retail Park within Mont Kiara. The superstar dish is needless to say their Kakigori that is something similar to a shaved ice - exactly like our cendol or ABC but finer ice - topped with different flavour and ingredients. ◾Kakigori - classic tiramisu, matcha brulee, blue dream amongst others ◾Dessert sets - you can find fixed menu while We had among their seasonal menus called Hanami dessert place which appeared beautiful and appetising. ◾blended Warabinochi of matcha and kinako flavour became a hit on the list of children. Now they're still constantly nagging myself to return for dessert but I'd always inform them to wait around until it really is safer to venture out first.

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