
Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant


8 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 23:00

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Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant Location

No. 255, Jalan Ampang Hilir,, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia

Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant is located at No. 255, Jalan Ampang Hilir,, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia. This is a Soups restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 10:00 - 23:00.Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-4257 5555.

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Jung Won Korean BBQ Restaurant Reviews


8 Reviews

  • Ajeng K


    Reasons why I'll never ever go back to this place - 1) No moderate of conversation then, should we be using indication languages then? Can't even know a simple "Please provide us some veggies". 2)Meals were mostly cool when it found us. 3) Theirfood high quality is questionable. They offered gamey and expired sort of meat - I simply felt therefore disgusted I experienced to obtain it off my expenses. And what occurred when I attempted to obtain it off my costs? 4) They INSULTED people with these points: (a) They mentioned we do not understand how to cook our meat. (b) We were likely to cook ONLY 1 piece of meat, if it's "bad" we would need to return it immediately. (c) They brought all of us a new bowl of lamb cutlets made by their staffs and forced all of us to use theirs despite all of us rejecting their present. Which section of I do Not need their meat any more did they not really understand? (d) They stated we were already complete; hence we didn't desire to purchase our meal. (e) It's Alright if you don't desire to pay, my personnel will need to bear the expenses. Oh it is also ridiculous the way the owner wouldn't consider responsibility but to pressured her employees to bear it. (f) They stated we do not learn how to appreciate their food. (g) Other customers also have ordered a similar thing but zero complaints at most. Am I likely to shut upward I were to end up being fed with expired/poor food? After a longer argument, they made a decision to void off the complete bill, which I usually do not see the dependence on it. They refused to provide me the bill minus the lamb inside it and explained to depart. I did the mathematics myself, taken out the lamb off the costs and left the amount of money on the counter due to the fact these bunch of individuals who can hardly understand English, hardly understood the primary problem in the first place. Why bother wasting your time and effort and money for that sort of rubbish meals and service? Draining therefore a lot of my mental power. Also, their food isn't cheap to start out with. For that sort of cash I expect some type of quality there. For more in depth and extensive evaluation - voneats.com/2014/10/jung-won-korean-bbq_10.html

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  • Yuni


    I love the outdoor dining environment, which is completely different from usual korean cafe. the medial side dishes, ginseng chicken soup, seafood pancake were terrible. BBQ poultry and pork pretty good. not recommended.

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  • Kevin Angriawan


    This was the initial Korean food outlet I was visiting and after being there I liked the cuisines and the service was good too

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  • Osman Kader Avcı


    Their roasted pork rib (marinated) is indeed tasty! This is why retains me and my hubby revisiting them so often. They provide about 7 small meals, overall taste ok. However, it appears that the restaurant will be managed simply by foreigner workers just. The staffs'services isn't very good. Im uncertain it was because of they're foreigners who couldn't realize English, or how many other reasons, what sort of staffs (person who takes order for all of us and something serves food) talk usually do not audio polite. So when we pressed the 'Contact' button to demand refill vegetable or costs, the response period is slow and occasionally have to press twice/ thrice. I could hardly see smiley encounter from their website like what i used to see from other Korean eating place in Tmn Desa/ Ampang village region.

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  • Maddy Pertiwi


    Friends had told us all it had been great setting by way of a small pond inside old colonial home. But that shut in June 2 a few months ago. Nothing special concerning this new place though it was quite active. Service was great but at 90 Ringgit each we feltthis has been over priced. Lacked a little bit of the Korean feel.

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