
Hong Kong Hot Pot


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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  • Monday: 16:00 - 22:00

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Hong Kong Hot Pot Location

No.39 Telawi Square Jalan Telawi, Kuala Lumpur 59100 Malaysia

Hong Kong Hot Pot is located at No.39 Telawi Square Jalan Telawi, Kuala Lumpur 59100 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Hong Kong Hot Pot is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 16:00 - 22:00.Hong Kong Hot Pot is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Hong Kong Hot Pot that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-2280 0204.

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Hong Kong Hot Pot Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Tiny HSW


    Made a decision to give this spot a go after passing by way of a few times. Nothing at all worth mentioning, food isn't tasty even though homemade products should have a shoutout. The soups (purchased Sakura pork broth and tomato structured) are bland. A few of the products we ordered werenot offered but we weren't well informed (twice). Our costs had a mix-up, we had been overcharged for three products. Will not return another time.

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  • Fatih Yasemin Günaydın


    not sure why quite a few reviewers complained that the soup had been bland. it becomes nice overtime when you add your meats, veg and seafood. if you would like it tasty from the start, go somewhere with plenty of msg like PJ warm pot joints! hkhotpot is on the pricier part but they replace it with quality elements like the imported hk beancurd roll, prawn golf ball, Sakura pork, People slice shabu shabu superior beef, etc. overall pleasurable and be sure you create a reservation prior to going...will return.

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  • Nihâl Toktay


    Pork bone and tomato broth. Fresh ingredients, comfy place, great sauces (like the garlic and coriander). Unfortunately they just prepare the garlic should they have “time”. THAT I believe it’s unacceptable, for those who have it from day 1 you need to continue to assist that andnot sub dual standards. If they are busy they actually don’t value you. We possess not finished our food plus they held hurrying us - attempting to maintain our plates, kept inquiring if we have been done whenever we clearly are not. May have rated them better or even because of their crappy service.

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  • Coşkun Kara


    Lovely clean ingredients, great choice. Employees were quite attentive making certain out soup has been at the proper temperature. Best for groupings 3-4 minimum

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  • Selin Ozturk


    To begin with, the atmosphere of the place is good. And yes it is atmosphere conditioned that is a best suit for hot pot program. However the table that people obtained for 5 pax will be abit too small to match all the meals we ordered onthe desk. For food, everything was great. They are well-known for their beancurd epidermis roll but Personally, i find it average. Actually, I prefer another types of foods that people ordered which were far better. Their chives dumplings are specially good despite the fact that I'm not just a fan of veggies. I furthermore like their fried seafood skin where I dip them in to the soup for a brief while (Remember... "Brief" while) or it'll be too soggy also it wont become nice then. We had two forms of soup, the one that was their normal non spicy soup, and another a single sze chuan mala soup which made most of my close friends suffer. I took a sip of the spicy soup and dare not really try another time once again since it was as well spicy. Therefore i suggest you to not really take this soup if you don't can handle "very spicy". Price wise... I'd say it is a little too costly. I'd only come right here for special event or unless the birthday celebration child in my band of friends desire to come here since i have personally think there's much better choices out there. Finally, there is one issue that me and my buddies faced after eating right here. All of us acquired diarrhoea the very next day nonetheless it wasn't too severe to the stage where we have to go to the clinic. I'm not really saying that the meals here's not clean while there is a probability that we might possibly not have cooked our very own food properly. Simply putting it down right here for you yourself to judge yourselves.

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