
Happyology Restaurant


6 Reviews



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Happyology Restaurant Location

No. 61-G-1-2 Jalan Mahkota Residence 1, Kuala Lumpur 43200 Malaysia

Happyology Restaurant is located at No. 61-G-1-2 Jalan Mahkota Residence 1, Kuala Lumpur 43200 Malaysia. This is a Integration restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Happyology Restaurant is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Happyology Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Happyology Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 12-678 3696.

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Happyology Restaurant Reviews


6 Reviews

  • Muzaki Abdurrahman


    The fusion of East and western meals. Quite pricey but okay for a KL/Selangor cost. The worthy part may be the part and the ingredient utilized. You'll be satisfied. We attempted 5 ala carte dinner from the menus. I give everything 5* andespecially it is a brand-new cafe, i would recommend everyone to the awesome place. Great wallpaper :D

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  • Ellen Fosh


    It is a newly opened restaurant in Dec 2013. They offered no MSG meals and this is actually the restaurant to purchase healthy and delicious foods. Food quality & quantity is definitely valued for money. Greatest fried rice I experienced, must attempt their "Lam Coi(Olive Leaf) fried rice"!! In case you are western food lover, attempt their lamb or poultry parmesan. Search for the pretty waitress to require specialty/chef suggestion. They have other meals which temporary didn't use in the menu. Keep writing =)

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  • Herman Mikhael


    Introduced by my buddy, located from Mahkota Cheras. The carbonara was bit too thick for me personally, and the kuey teow was oily for my father. Nevertheless my brothers and mom enjoyed what they will have ordered. What I appreciate was the avocado juice that was superdelicious! The periodic table of happyology was bit much like myBurger lab, maybe that is the current trend?

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  • Azizah Zhie


    When there quite past due about 8pm & was whole house but waited around 15mins to obtain our seats. That they had changed their menus & took out the majority of their western cuisine & emphasise on Chinese HK meals. This journey we ordered their established foods; oneof which salted seafood minced pork meat & place meal for 2-3pax. There is absolutely no taste of salted seafood in the minced pork but similar to a hamburger meats paste that is a bit dried out & not really juicy at all; dissatisfied with this particular set & their helping of white rice isn't hot but dry & tough. The stuffed duck has been another disappointment because the stuffing had not been holding the duck meats and crumbles following the sliced those meats. Duck meat was delicious but need to enhance on the stuffing & keeping the meats as one item. Another a la carte we purchased just an average in comparison with many Chinese cafe. Prawns is much too small to become battered fried, not fresh, crunchy & sharp. Maybe we have to just stick to their simpler menus/dishes for the meal the next time; not for supper though but lunch.

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  • Biyanda


    Like this restaurant because the food is fine especially the Oyster Congee, it's will need to have food whenever I click here. Surprisingly the services is quite fast even many clients. Wifi service provided. Certainly worthy of for recommending this eating place 😊

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