
Food Junction Nasi Campur


2 Reviews



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Food Junction Nasi Campur Reviews


2 Reviews

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  • Simmie


    As what the title had stated, Mid Valley Food Court Nasi Campur markets Nasi Campur (Mixed & Matched Rice). Right here, I could tell you there are neither descriptions nor the high cost for any among the meals. They cashier will let you know that it is predicated on how much you consider and they will ask you for accordingly. I took small part of 2 different stuffs for my rice. They billed mine for approximately RM9. That is extremely expensive when compared to other stuff on the menu. I informed them I simply took in a little amount because I would like to try their flavor. However, they state that it is in line with the minimum portion. Let state the minimum amount portion is 3parts and I get only one 1 piece, they'll charge me the cost of 3 pieces though it is merely 1 piece. They also told me that I must pay out for them to keep processing other payments. Ultimately, I compensated for the meals which is actually probably the most expensive inexpensive food that I've ever bought. The food will not taste authentic at all. I questioned them where may i give feedback, they explained that I cannot achieve this when i have eaten the meals. For those who wish to eat here, I really do not recommend it.

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  • Ezra Ghalibin


    As what the title had stated, Mid Valley Food Court Nasi Campur markets Nasi Campur (Mixed & Matched Rice). Right here, I could tell you there are neither descriptions nor the high cost for any among the meals. They cashier will let you know that it is predicated on how much you consider and they will ask you for accordingly. I took small part of 2 different stuffs for my rice. They billed mine for approximately RM9. That is extremely expensive when compared to other stuff on the menu. I informed them I simply took in a little amount because I would like to try their flavor. However, they state that it is in line with the minimum portion. Let state the minimum amount portion is 3parts and I get only one 1 piece, they'll charge me the cost of 3 pieces though it is merely 1 piece. They also told me that I must pay out for them to keep processing other payments. Ultimately, I compensated for the meals which is actually probably the most expensive inexpensive food that I've ever bought. The food will not taste authentic at all. I questioned them where may i give feedback, they explained that I cannot achieve this when i have eaten the meals. For those who wish to eat here, I really do not recommend it.

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Food Junction Nasi Campur Location

T-013, Mid Valley Megamall 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Food Junction Nasi Campur is located at T-013, Mid Valley Megamall 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a cuisine restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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