
De Pastry Chef


8 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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De Pastry Chef Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Devi Rucita


    In a cash-ridden capital that's Kuala Lumpur, it really is pretty difficult to find a Western food cafe that provides both affordable costs and decent Western based cuisine. Actually, it is so difficult, you might aswell buy a sirloin steak and grill it in the home yourself while swearing as you question why didn't you inherit your grandmother's cooking mojo. De Pastry Chef will undoubtedly be an exception. The costs range between RM6 to RM15, that is less than inexpensive for these Western-Malaysian staples. I, for just one, enjoyed the mashed potatoes, since it is includes a lingering flavor of packet gravy on each spoonful of grated potatoes, and certainly exceeded my anticipation of it. The cakes are usually delicious and gentle to the stomach, using its cheesecake becoming the highlight of the eating place more often than not. However, if you're a lover of personal hygiene, it's best you make an effort to endure the smells of rotting meats and mice because of its environment. You can find days once the only scent it is possible to smell is definitely diluted gravy, and you can find times when it smells very actually, like crap. In my opinion, so long as you are usually up for good Western food at a realistic price, then it'll be a must-go for anybody and everyone residing near Taman Menjalara.

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  • Hanny Agustina


    De Pastry Chef is situated at Bandar Sri Menjalara, that is a short length from the freshly developed Desa Park Town. Walking within, you'll end up being greeted by a large choice of cakes just a glass window away. A variety of cafe and bakery, De Pastry Chef serves an array of pastries, cakes, and western major course dishes. This location is becoming a favorite hangout place for the home of Kepong, but I attempted this location out with only 1 thing on my brain, CAKES! I would recommend the German Cheese Cake. The cheese cake includes a light fluffy consistency, and each bite melts in the mouth area. Cakes are costs reasonably with great customer service.

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  • Adlina


    seeking for a location for supper but choose another thing beside mamak? You could have a go at de pastry at manjalara in case you are is actually at that area :) they will have selection of option for foods and beverage :) like their blueberry cheese cake :) it's cheap, rm7.90 per item, always wished to come here to possess supper with my mom and sister. it's our usual location after visiting my grandpa

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  • T.c. Mehmet Pektaş


    An excellent friend brought me right here some time ago to take pleasure from cakes and pastry. I had been just a little greedy that day time and was wishing De Pastry Chef would work mains. Luckily they do! We was recommended their fruit tarts listed below are amazingly amazing, and not just that they're inexpensive! My pal and I shared a sliced of cheesecake and some fruit tarts. It had been above my goals! I'd purchase more and things it down my mouth area easily hadn't purchase myself a bowl of pasta. Nonetheless, I purchased some fruit tarts residential, I actually couldn't resist the temptations and tried never to eat them whilst I was driving

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  • Oenikboi


    In a cash-ridden capital that's Kuala Lumpur, it really is pretty difficult to find a Western food cafe that provides both affordable costs and decent Western based cuisine. Actually, it is so difficult, you might aswell buy a sirloin steak and grill it in the home yourself while swearing as you question why didn't you inherit your grandmother's cooking mojo. De Pastry Chef will undoubtedly be an exception. The costs range between RM6 to RM15, that is less than inexpensive for these Western-Malaysian staples. I, for just one, enjoyed the mashed potatoes, since it is includes a lingering flavor of packet gravy on each spoonful of grated potatoes, and certainly exceeded my anticipation of it. The cakes are usually delicious and gentle to the stomach, using its cheesecake becoming the highlight of the eating place more often than not. However, if you're a lover of personal hygiene, it's best you make an effort to endure the smells of rotting meats and mice because of its environment. You can find days once the only scent it is possible to smell is definitely diluted gravy, and you can find times when it smells very actually, like crap. In my opinion, so long as you are usually up for good Western food at a realistic price, then it'll be a must-go for anybody and everyone residing near Taman Menjalara.

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De Pastry Chef Location

Jalan 3/62d, Taman Manjalara 52200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

De Pastry Chef is located at Jalan 3/62d, Taman Manjalara 52200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Delicatessen restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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