
Uncle Garry's


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 11:30 - 21:30
  • Tuesday: 11:30 - 21:30
  • Wednesday: 11:30 - 21:30
  • Thursday: 11:30 - 21:30
  • Friday: 11:30 - 21:30
  • Saturday: 11:30 - 21:30

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Uncle Garry's Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Berin Seda Araslı


    Uncle Garry's is really a simple, family-run company located remote the tourist trail amid an unlikely casing estate, opposite a garage area. The restaurant is really a easy, pre-fabricated shed. If this noises off-putting, avoid being. It's basic but clear, and mod downsides arethere: fans, organic ventilation (study: no airconditioning), washrooms, not to mention, meals. The signature dish will be Nasi kerabu coloured with the glowing blue butterfly pea flower (you could find more info by Googling Uncle Garry's Kota Kinabalu), but additionally, there are nyonya-centered tidbits and specials obtainable. When we have there been, the set meal was included with inclusive drink. Support was friendly and effective, and it was an informal lunch. The meals was relatively great - I'm uncertain I'd travel out specially because of this, but it has been a fascinating and unusual experience. Car parking can be acquired, but may obtaining muddy when it rains. It's obviously pretty well-known - customers had been steadily trickling through through the lunch hour. Therefore, unusual, distinctive for Sabah and well worth a go for the intrepid.

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  • B.YOR


    Uncle Garry's is really a local beloved, their main pull (and pretty much the one thing they offer) is Nasi Kerabu, or even glowing blue rice. The Rice will be colored glowing blue by the pea flower and is usually served with Poultry or fish, and when you're there nothe right evening, crab or lobster. Condiments add a 100 year older egg, various pickled veggies and sambal and etc. They do have several side dishes, however, not an enormous selection. Their nearby kuih, or sweets may also be excellent , as may be the clean calamansi lime fruit juice. There exists a juice/beverage bar in the developing that also serves new juices along with other beverages tart you could have with your dinner. Be warned, the meals could be SPICY!! Even my dad, who is accost types to, and usually a enthusiast of spice discovered some things a touch too sizzling. The resteraunt itself is situated just outside middle all KK, and will be hard to access with out a car. The create is rustic but enchanting, it's a steel and brick structure , situated opposite a garage area, but you can find western design bathrooms, it's clear and cool (open atmosphere/fans-no aircon) and the proprietors are lovely individuals. Seating is at wood benches and tables, beware anyone who has back difficulty ! They fill fast, specifically on weekends so make sure to book among their reserved encounter or make it happen early. The meals is really worth it!

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  • Emine


    Been here couple periods, love the ambience and the foods. Very innovative with the menu aswell something you will not get apart from here, because the possess the signature dish (purple rice, purple beverages and etc) You could have the food by ala carte orset. The sambal has been delish, filled with flavour however, not spicy.

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  • Raras Yudiastari


    I would need to say, I'm impressed by the display of the dish. It appeared amazing when the foods is served, also for a street meals standard, this could be served in a good restaurant or perhaps a hotel also it wouldn't normally looked outof place. This is the just beginning, as once you mix the bowl of component up, you completely modification the dish. That's the way you should eat it. So when you possess your first mouth filled with all the pretty, you then realized the combination of flavour in the mouth area is actually balance. You begin to taste the various ingredient, and it's really just shock you how all of the ingredient work jointly to provide you with this awesome flavour.

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  • Miwe


    Over-rated restaurant. Food demonstration is beautiful, however the food itself not really tasty nor freshly produced. Staffs are usually selective, rude with rolling eye and responses. The meals is pricey in accordance with what's being served. Foods hygiene and handling treatment set by the neighborhood council arenot be completely observed.

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Uncle Garry's Location

Jalan Kepayan Kobusak Off Jalan Pintas Penampang, Kg Nosohop Kohizan, Penampang, Kota Kinabalu 88200 Malaysia

Uncle Garry's is located at Jalan Kepayan Kobusak Off Jalan Pintas Penampang, Kg Nosohop Kohizan, Penampang, Kota Kinabalu 88200 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kota Kinabalu. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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