
Kinabalu Pine Resort


2 Reviews



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Kinabalu Pine Resort Location

Kampung Kundasang (Along Kundasang Ranau Highway) Kundasang, Ran 89308 Bahagian Pantai Barat, Sabah Malaysia

Kinabalu Pine Resort is located at Kampung Kundasang (Along Kundasang Ranau Highway) Kundasang, Ran 89308 Bahagian Pantai Barat, Sabah Malaysia. This is a Breakfast restaurant near the Kota Kinabalu.The average price range at Kinabalu Pine Resort is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kinabalu Pine Resort is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kota Kinabalu area. There are different kinds of food in Kinabalu Pine Resort that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 088-889 388.

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Kinabalu Pine Resort Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Dilara Karasüleymanoğlu


    Since I was just a little kid, and my children and I were surviving in Sabah. So, everyone understands that in Sabahan area, essential place to visit may be the Kundasang, Sabah area to have the freshness of beautiful air of Kinabalu Mountain. Hence, our family happens to be among the frequent-guest at Kinabalu Pine Resort, until after the hotel staffs would recognise us should they see us around Kotan Kinabalu. Keh keh keh. Unfortunately, knowing between us wouldn't normally change the purchase price though where they'll maintain it without the 'special' treatment. (Ugh) hehe.. kidding.. So, the special reasons for having this resort is they almost have the ideal place to create a resort, facing the mountain, with a distinctive landscape. Why? As the landscape is similar to a house in garden. How must i say this? Urm, hehe, try google it because because it is my memory, I don't have any pictures of it. (Apologised laugh) And! Most importantly, the area rate including breakfast for a typical room beginning with RM150++.. Another special thing concerning this resort is their foods (ashique never neglect to discuss food.. hehe..sorry) where at night time, most people should come to the resort's cafe and also have their dinner (either the guest at the resort itself and outsider,walk in customer) given that they have prepared dinners such as for example rice with side dishes (customer's choice) Or perhaps a steamboat set with fresh seafoods. It is recommended to remain at this resort for their afforadble rates, with breathtaking views and surrounding itself.

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  • Vanny Vanesa


    Since I was just a little kid, and my children and I were surviving in Sabah. So, everyone understands that in Sabahan area, essential place to visit may be the Kundasang, Sabah area to have the freshness of beautiful air of Kinabalu Mountain. Hence, our family happens to be among the frequent-guest at Kinabalu Pine Resort, until after the hotel staffs would recognise us should they see us around Kotan Kinabalu. Keh keh keh. Unfortunately, knowing between us wouldn't normally change the purchase price though where they'll maintain it without the 'special' treatment. (Ugh) hehe.. kidding.. So, the special reasons for having this resort is they almost have the ideal place to create a resort, facing the mountain, with a distinctive landscape. Why? As the landscape is similar to a house in garden. How must i say this? Urm, hehe, try google it because because it is my memory, I don't have any pictures of it. (Apologised laugh) And! Most importantly, the area rate including breakfast for a typical room beginning with RM150++.. Another special thing concerning this resort is their foods (ashique never neglect to discuss food.. hehe..sorry) where at night time, most people should come to the resort's cafe and also have their dinner (either the guest at the resort itself and outsider,walk in customer) given that they have prepared dinners such as for example rice with side dishes (customer's choice) Or perhaps a steamboat set with fresh seafoods. It is recommended to remain at this resort for their afforadble rates, with breathtaking views and surrounding itself.

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