
Kopitiam Kita


2 Reviews



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Kopitiam Kita Location

4357-A, Taman Desa Jaya 15400 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia

Kopitiam Kita is located at 4357-A, Taman Desa Jaya 15400 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Kota Bharu.The average price range at Kopitiam Kita is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kopitiam Kita is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kota Bharu area. There are different kinds of food in Kopitiam Kita that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 019-981 0888.

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Kopitiam Kita Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Ginah Rigor


    Kopitiam Kita emerged from the rain just like a invert mirage, promising kaya toast. Known as roti titab in this throat of the woods, their 'spesial' edition emerged dotted with kaya at each part such as a Xmas ornament, the elevated pats doing their finest to support the two incredibly soft-boiled eggs hogging the center. Their yolks were therefore prolific that the next I cut a large part off the breads, they spilled all around the plate and no quantity of bread-mopping could mop all of them up. I actually also got a nasi berlauk to move, because it was Fri and I would Pengkalan Kubor and who knew what types of choices there'd maintain a small city where everything closes upon Fridays? Works out, no options! Thank you nasi berlauk with ikan, for saving my abdomen at lunch! I desire you'd more fish and much more cucumber, because at RM 3.5, you're competing with all the current nasi dishes from Siti Khadijah that include, such as, duck eggs or even fish paste-stuffed chilis or even huge shrimp and just cost RM 4.

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  • Yudhi Teguh Pratama


    Kopitiam Kita emerged from the rain just like a invert mirage, promising kaya toast. Known as roti titab in this throat of the woods, their 'spesial' edition emerged dotted with kaya at each part such as a Xmas ornament, the elevated pats doing their finest to support the two incredibly soft-boiled eggs hogging the center. Their yolks were therefore prolific that the next I cut a large part off the breads, they spilled all around the plate and no quantity of bread-mopping could mop all of them up. I actually also got a nasi berlauk to move, because it was Fri and I would Pengkalan Kubor and who knew what types of choices there'd maintain a small city where everything closes upon Fridays? Works out, no options! Thank you nasi berlauk with ikan, for saving my abdomen at lunch! I desire you'd more fish and much more cucumber, because at RM 3.5, you're competing with all the current nasi dishes from Siti Khadijah that include, such as, duck eggs or even fish paste-stuffed chilis or even huge shrimp and just cost RM 4.

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