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10 Reviews



RM 35 / Person

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10 Reviews

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  • Liza Djohan


    I'd say I was attracted to the packaging as well as the colour of the kaya. Nevertheless the taste was an enormous disappointment, there has been not a hint of the coconut milk and contains got a small amount of bitter aftertaste. Truthfully speakingit shouldn’t be known as kaya at all. It’s similar to a Gula Melaka pass on.

  • Gilbert


    The food for me is average overall, but considered best for a restaurant in JB. Excellent ambiance and feels as though a proper restaurant in comparison to other areas in JB. I had been here twice in a single week, both times within a largergroup - both moments, the waitstaff appeared to struggle with basic duties such as for example getting drinks right or offering correct orders in case a person ordered a lot more than 1 thing. I think this eating place would greatly reap the benefits of better staff instruction and focusing on their employees working as a group for the restaurant instead of working as people that don't communicate with one another.

  • Rotua Nauli


    Ambience is remarkable. Foods options are restricted but food will be delectable. Desserts are excellent. Consider the Messy Napolean. Needless to say aside from this the bakery or bistro items are as normal the very best in the company. This one in specific is the greatest Lavender outletin JB.

  • Desi Ratna Mukti Umpuan


    Been coming here going back few years now Standard of food preparation is okay and the place is definitely clean and good presented. Service is normally good I tend to choose the classics like the fried spring poultry - that is tasty andcomes with sides of fries and coleslaw It does have a thorough menu -mainly western with some an eastern twist. The area itself is cosy, and the toilets are clean rather than wet . This place isn't cheap and you will probably progress food elsewhere however in terms of quality and food hygiene, it really is head and shoulders above almost every other establishments and kopi Tiams where in fact the the amount of hygiene is questionable! Ideal for lunch with relatives and buddies. There exists a nice bakery downstairs furthermore.

  • Ananti


    Great bakery. Fine ambience. Nice decoration. We attained 1400, unfortunately, the cafe was closed then.

  • Diandra Paramita Timur


    I arrived at this bakery frequently and usually bought loaf of bread all price about RM60 plus or even more. I dine upstairs as well. The waiters and waitress upstairs are usually friendly identified me as a normal. What I wish to feedback seriously can be your personnel attitude inthe bakery. Not really the restaurant upstairs. Certainly, your staff haven't been given correct and regular education on customer support. Their mindset and gesture will be rude. I want to just offer you two incidents. As soon as, I was standing close to the cashier looking forward to the staff to prepare yourself (she squatting down there carrying out something), I quietly position there waiting understanding she is busy, the moment she stood up, noticed me, don’t actually greet customers, she elevated her eyebrows and “questioned” me : yes? Who would you like? Today, I purchased some bread, usually I'll glanced from the cashier device to learn the amt to cover, today somehow the device didn’t show total, therefore i asked again just how much could it be, your cashier impatiently utilized the tongs strike on the cashier device few instances, and repeated the amt simultaneously, straight on his encounter I simply tell him “perform u know u have become rude in so doing?” Time when We was there, 14/3, 11:50 to 12noon. Few more incidents We refused to comment even more. Thinking, could be I shld go to somewhere else. Thank you for the time and energy to read my examine. I do feel unfortunate when I visit a top quality bakery in JB without great service.

  • MamaNda


    Visited the bakery in fact it is crowded. A lot of people. Tried the kueh lapis. It's quite tasty and the container is nice. Would want to attempt their bread the next time.

  • Ellyzabeth Angela


    Actually enjoyed it with the household. Better than most resort western foods in JB. Great ambience and incredibly decent Italian / Mediterranean meals. Worth a trip for a great air conditioning meal in JB.

  • Risty Ningtyas


    Never spend a dime with this particular shop once they renovate and place a rule of every dine in consumer must order a primary dish. Quality of foods nothing at all to shout about. Simply normal standard hawker meals serve on stunning plates and cost apremium. When you have the attitude after that my money likewise have an attitude.

  • Ellie Flavia


    Our first stop by at this establishment which we'd heard so significantly about due to the proliferation of its bakeries inside shopping malls. Was amazed with the inside deco which created this inviting, comfortable and charming atmosphere for imbibing wines and fine meals.As this was among our many stops on the meals trail, we only were able to try a few meals like mushroom soup, crab spaghetti and French toast washed down with espresso and iced lychee tea. While the service is great, we figured the restaurant’s best function were just how its breads were highlighted in the dishes specifically for the French toast that was actually amazing. The bread consistency was soft and delicious. We ensured we bought the breads whenever we left. So good! The mushroom soup was alright. For the crab spaghett, our testimonials were mixed which is subjective. JAPAN cheesecake was superb. Suggest you provide it the opportunity 😃 Price wise, not cheap thus please choose your menus well to increase your spend. They will have a wide collection of western meals which we've yet to review. Go for the atmosphere and the bakery won't disappoint. Should you have time, it is possible to bring the household for brekkie and great food.

Lavender Location

Lavender is located at 64 Jalan Serampang Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru 80400 Malaysia. This is a France restaurant near the Johor Bahru. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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