
August Cafe


5 Reviews



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August Cafe Location

Pasar Karat 36 Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Johor Bahru 80000 Malaysia

August Cafe is located at Pasar Karat 36 Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Johor Bahru 80000 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Johor Bahru.The average price range at August Cafe is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.August Cafe is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Johor Bahru area. There are different kinds of food in August Cafe that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 7-220 0218.

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August Cafe Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Delima Pranita


    This is a newly open up cafe in JB city, just a little hidden gem within aged shoplot. It really is just located by the end of walkway. The staffs are young and passion in cafe culture. Espresso, cakes, relaxing music will be the things you observed once yousit in. Price on menu reaches standard selection of franchise coffee store price , a glass of iced long dark (coffee) cost RM9.90 including services tax. The coffee here's great! Beside espresso, they served pasta and sandwiches just. A limited selection in line with the dimension of the shop. Minimum amount spending is just about RM15-20 per order. Meaning obtaining a good meal right here can cost you around RM30 per person. AM I GOING TO visit this place once again? Absolutely! Particularly when I need a location to do might work with laptop. Give this review the thumbs up or including if this is beneficial to you. Thanks.

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  • Jumiati Suryaningsih


    I actually stoped because it began to rainfall. They have a good atmosphere and excellent jasmine green tea extract which they work by way of a pot. A tad to expencive, but friendly location with good wi-fi.

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  • Shazia


    Not an excessive amount of variety within their menu but their meals is 👍. Tried heir specialties, August steak sandwich and ondehondeh espresso. It's among the better brunch I've tried there. Most of all it isn't too crowded so few might have undisturbed twosome moments

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  • Yolla Deva Bella


    I would recommend if u r searching for a espresso place. They will have the fascinating espresso/ bandung cubes. Mains aren't as fantastic meals tbh.

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  • Kai


    We came here while doing the Tan Hiok Nee Heritage Stroll and after going to Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum, since it was practically close to the latter. The inside is pretty stylish and designed to look like a normal Malay constructing and I believe somekind of tailor store. I only obtained an iced mocha, which emerged in a tumbler sized cup. The coffee was very good, certainly above typical, but my goodness it’s expensive. Actually and per quantity, this was the most expensive sit down elsewhere in all my amount of time in Malaysia, but the espresso wasn’t that far better.

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