
Oversea Restaurant (Haewaytian)


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30
  • Monday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30
  • Tuesday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30
  • Wednesday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30
  • Thursday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30
  • Friday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30
  • Saturday: 11:30 - 14:30,17:30 - 22:30

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Oversea Restaurant (Haewaytian) Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Louis Raymond (ccxex29)


    Excellent char siew or BBQ meat. Will require booking as it comes out extremely fast. Other dish is really as good. Services is ok but could be difficult to obtain their attention because they as busy quite often.

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  • Yasin Açıkgöz


    We'd a reserved a desk for 8pm yesterday on 9th February 2019 where we'd pay for a down payment for the CNY bundle dinner. Once we arrived around 7.50pm, we were told that the prior customers were even now occupying the desk hence we hadto wait around. We appeared around and there we a lot of empty tables because the restaurant was not complete. We politely asked should they can arrange for another table as those consumer before us haven't any sign of leaving promptly. Instead, we were overlooked and was presented with this "can't you wait around" look. What amazed us was to discover some walk-in customers proven to temporary chairs and served warm tea while looking forward to them to set up a desk for them! From the gesture, we figured they need to be regular clients. When I questioned to talk with the manager, all of the staff simply overlooked me! Until I walked around the counter to confront the girl, she finally arranged among those empty table for all of us but without having to be apologetic at all. Through the course, serving has been slow so when I asked among the captains, I had been told to hold back and she didn't even checked with your kitchen. We were offered dessert although some dishes were nevertheless not offered. Clearly kitchen had skipped out some meals. Also, the table close to us who walked in afterwards than us and purchased Alacarte had their supper and finished in two enough time we took. THEREFORE I question, why would they push us to choose the set course menus when the Alacarte is a lot faster? We were informed upon producing the reservation that people need to use up set course supper for table of 10 pax. As we finally surface finish our dinner, there have been simply no apologies from anyone. Actually, all of the captains was staying away from us. Such as for example shame to your F&B industry! We weren't expecting any special providers from their website but is it a great deal to expect for decent manners & courtesy especially from the well-known Chinese restaurant team with an extended history in Malaysia?

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  • İsmail


    The 'Four Seasons Coffee beans' were very fresh and crunchy. Toufu had been silky smooth. Roast duck has been tender. The steam Ba Ting seafood was extremely fresh. Most important, all costs were reasonable.

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  • Emir Bıdak


    Oversea Restaurant inside KL is my favourite eating place whenever we keep there. I was happy to find this HaeWayTian in Ipoh that is opposite the Excelsior Resort also within walking length from Weil Resort. We came early that was not crowded. As normal we ordereda 2 meats mixture dish - char siew and roasted pork, their signature dish smooth silky soft tofu with melon, and spinach with hundred years egg. Quite tasty and enjoyable. Support is good.

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  • Anthony Gunawan


    Popular Southern East Asian Chinese restaurant favored by the neighborhood Chinese community for family lunch time and dinner. They will have the menus in English.

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Oversea Restaurant (Haewaytian) Location

No. 57 Jalan Seenivasagam, Ipoh 30450 Malaysia

Oversea Restaurant (Haewaytian) is located at No. 57 Jalan Seenivasagam, Ipoh 30450 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Ipoh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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