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Over-Time Location

Guerny Drive, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia

Over-Time is located at Guerny Drive, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia. This is a International restaurant near the George Town.The average price range at Over-Time is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Over-Time is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the George Town area. There are different kinds of food in Over-Time that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 4-226 5284.

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Over-Time Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Amana


    The Hollywood style advertising with models and celebrities is overdone; the services along with other aspects of this specific outlet fail to surpass “the glam”. From the outset things went unlike the hype: The area smelled of sewerage (possibly the regional council's fault)and the employees couldn't appear to grasp that a desk for eight for supper didn't mean a lounge for eight for beverages and bar snack foods. The staff's English had been below the standard of all Penang restaurants. Our 2 tofu entrees were tasteless and the next of the identical orders took about 35mins to reach, despite Overtime being nearly empty! This might be described by the truth that it is a chain of bars, instead of restaurants, however the drinks were a disappointed too: Overtime has connected their name and heavily advertised Starker beer, but only 1 of the three “fabulous” variants was available; zero darkish or pale ale, just lager, also it was nothing specific. Then your cocktails were offered in milkshake style eyeglasses, remixed by some smart connoisseur to taste small like they're likely to. The toilets were “nouveau-prison” style, (unintentionally) filled with broken fittings; this in an exceedingly new looking restaurant. Therefore too the fans above our desk. It got three requests to show them on before somebody admitted these were actually broken. On the upside, when ultimately we got the desk, at least the chair were comfortable, and our teenage kids liked the overly loud songs that has been playing (it had been only 7pm). It had been bad enough for all of us to move to another establishment for supper, something we've never done before

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  • Bramoyo Silvi


    Nice spot to "pub". That's all it really is. Atmosphere is fine. Some entertainment occasionally from employed acoustic duos. Service will be OK as generally in most pubs. Food is bad. The main function (it tries to move itself off as a micro brewery but it'snot true) of these specially brewed beer will be awful. It is possible to only beverage it if it had been ice cold because you then won't need to taste the specific beer. It is a pub for the "pub-ing" crowd, not just a place for anybody with any feeling of good flavor for food or even beer. Sorry

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  • Arief Mulya Ramadhian


    We live life in the center East so pork is not any go in the home. At AS TIME PASSES they serve crispy tummy pork and pork knuckle etc but not advertosed properly. We went two times and the meals was good but resulted in randomly so my hubby andI didn't et simultaneously very annoying. I Got the crispy pork (excellent) and my hubby had the poultry satay and the beef satay (both nights) which he thought was superb we also the next time ordered the veggie garden that is a regular salad. The meals wqas good the beverages had been shocking - beer is okay as you cannot mess bottled beer up - spirits - we purchased a gin and tonic and a rum and coke these were both like consuming meths not that people have got but we imagined it could be like that..................get yourself a table towards the trunk as the road stinks of sewerage - but at the trunk people smoke cigarettes like it's moving away from fashion - omg only if you can get crispy pork such as this within a non cigarette smoking non stinking eating place - that serves decent beverages !

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  • Mutia Rani


    The area serves good beer and contains a good customer area to take pleasure from your drinks. Sort of pricey!

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  • Jinilia Irene


    Good food and excellent beer but very costly if you don't make use of the 3-for-1 offers about beer early on. The advisable thing is you can purchase all the "tokens" for the beer in the beginning of the evening and even once the offerexpires you can continue steadily to drink as you already covered your beers at the higher rate! Turn up, purchase 6 beers upon the buy 1 obtain 2 free present and you will be sorted for an excellent few hrs for the price tag on just two beers. In addition they do beer kegs, that is pretty cool!

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