
Golden Gate Steamboat


8 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Golden Gate Steamboat Location

No. 77 Jalan Cantonment, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia

Golden Gate Steamboat is located at No. 77 Jalan Cantonment, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the George Town.The average price range at Golden Gate Steamboat is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Golden Gate Steamboat is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the George Town area. There are different kinds of food in Golden Gate Steamboat that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 4-226 1361.

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Golden Gate Steamboat Reviews


8 Reviews

  • Debora


    They don't really have much ingredients choices to order to opt for the steamboat. Even more on the balls components - fish ball, prawn golf ball, squid ball, pork golf ball and processed foods like cocktail sausage and the ones vacuum pack food that may purchase it in supermarkets whichI don't actually prefer. They ought to add more non-processed elements.

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  • Michelle Wilkins


    Services - abit slow especially want setting the desk and getting the orders. Food variety - just basice, rather than much variety to pick from. Price - sensible. Air-con, although olden wall unit - nevertheless functionally cold enough. Therefore everything AVERAGE

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  • Novi Rita


    Probably the most authentic steamboat restaurant in Penang. To take pleasure from delicious steamboat would be to have new ingredient and great cooked soup bottom, Golden Gate may be the location you should choose. This store has been working since 25 years back, the chilly sauce may be the signature.The fish steamboat also worth to use as include yummy fish soup and great potion of fish with reasonable price. Perform make reservation in the event that you can be found in big group.

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  • Sabrina Nurul Afiyani


    My notion of good food is definitely thesteamboat, i 1st had one whilst helping in the army inside singapore and malaysia through the 1965 66 67 years and in my 22moments returning i always have got a steamboat. my close friends takeme to the golden gate andi constantly enjoy what you could make up yourself. in addition they takeme to other areas and i still believe that you can appreciate it.i wwould want to notice it done within the uk.

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  • Dinda Rizki


    This place has a few of my fondest childhood memories. Visiting twenty years later nowadays, the old building nevertheless looks exactly the same and stepping in to the eating place, the aroma and the inside reminds me why I really like this place so very much. It has a huge compoundwhich can recreation area around 15 to 20 vehicles, but at peak hrs it may be full therefore you will need to park a little further and walk right here. For steamboat, it is possible to elect to order each substances separately (can be found in small or huge portion), or purchase a collection. Soupwise, you can pick the basic soup or the seafood mind soup with yam (additonal RM50.00). For the ingredients I strongly suggest the meats balls and squid balls (taste not the same as those you discover at other areas), the special environment friendly noodles and tiger prawns (fresh but may cost a bit more). They will last appetizer (the super delicious small springtime roll) before your meal comes. Also try the personal made sauce, it is a small spicy but goes properly with the steamboat. The area is atmosphere conditioned but offers you a homely experience as all of the staffs have been functioning there for long and so are super friendly. Most of all, the price isn't expensive at all!

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