5 Reviews
RM 25 / Person
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Shanghai 10 is located at First World Hotel & Plaza, F/L, 2.1 Genting Highlands Pahang. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Genting Highlands.The average price range at Shanghai 10 is around RM 25 / Person,and the opening hours are 10:00 - 22:00.Shanghai 10 is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Genting Highlands area. There are different kinds of food in Shanghai 10 that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60327181118.
Shanghai 10 is located at First World Hotel & Plaza, F/L, 2.1 Genting Highlands Pahang. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Genting Highlands.The average price range at Shanghai 10 is around RM 25 / Person,and the opening hours are 10:00 - 22:00.Shanghai 10 is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Genting Highlands area. There are different kinds of food in Shanghai 10 that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60327181118.
5 Reviews
Orlando B
Not good food. Substandard poor dim sum served cool. Not at all worth the extremely higher prices they charge.
appraise this reviewNanda Wirawan Saputro
Shanghai 10 is really a Chinese dim sum cafe located at First Planet Plaza, Genting. It includes a classy style. When moving by the eating place, the dim sum are actually sweet-smelting. It appears communicating with my human brain and tell me head to Shanghai 10! My buddies and I proceeded to go Genting for just two 2 days. The next day we were searching for breakfast, hence we visited Shanghai 10. Properly, they not only assist dim sum but additionally other Chinese foods. It had been so crowded each morning, seems that it had been so tasty, huh?! The crew brought us into the cafe and took our purchase. Since it was plenty of clients, we waited over fifty percent hour. Lastly the dim sum arrived! And the disaster emerged as well! Jesus! Those dim sum weren't fresh and all had been overcooked. Do you know what? Some were very hard in chewing. Huh?! Arriving at the mee soup that certain of my close friends ordered, we'd say, self-prepared maggi mee was even more delicious. The mee kind was same as the moment noodle, some part was nevertheless crunchy?! Are you currently kidding me? And since that day, we in no way back again to Shanghai 10 for eating. The food, without doubt look great, however the fact is another way. Next period when you want to possess dim sum at Genting, I urged you possess your desire and travel to Gohtong Jaya. The dim sum are a lot more fresh and delicious.
appraise this reviewTasya Julviamy
好一段时间没上来云顶走走了,每次上来都头疼不知道要吃什么,这里东西又贵又不好吃。这次上来想尝试新的餐厅就来到这里了。上海天坐落在First World时代广场的对面,就在脚底按摩的楼下,由于它设在角落有的人可能不好察觉,我也是偶然上厕所的途中不小心扫到的~ 但它可不是新开的,它开业至今也有个两三年了吧~ 这里到晚餐时段可是很忙碌的,尤其时代广场或云星剧场有节目的时候这里可是高朋满座,还得等位子呢~ 我们是看到外面的广告牌说早餐的点心有折扣,二话不说就进去了。我们两人一共点了小笼包、炸腐竹、叉烧包、糯米鸡、流沙包和烧卖。卖相是好的,就味道而言比较普通,不是说到难吃的地步但就没到好吃。至少小笼包里的汤汁没流出来、流沙包里的汁没有太凝固、糯米鸡不会太咸太粉,大致上还算合格吧。 如果你不想吃点心,这里还有中式煮炒和面食。我们另点了个鸭肉拉面,味道算清淡没啥特别,但它有附送一盘小菜,里边有三种不同的小菜,一般都是黄瓜、花生之类的。菜单上还有炒饭炒面、参汤、清炒蔬菜等。另外我看别人点的芒果冰好像也很不错,偶尔在有点冷的天气里吃冰感觉还挺刺激的~ 总的来说这里的食物可以吧,当然价格自然比外面贵了一些,可在云顶吃东西本来就这样的不是吗~
appraise this reviewpaua
instant noodles
RM 10 / Person
RM 10 / Person
RM 25 / Person
RM 10 / Person
RM 25 / Person