10 Reviews
RM 25 / Person
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Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. is located at unit G3-G6, BJB uptown commercial square, Bandar Jasin Bestari, 77200 Bemban Malacca. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Bemban.The average price range at Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. is around RM 25 / Person,and the opening hours are 11:30 - 14:30,18:00 - 22:30.Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Bemban area. There are different kinds of food in Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60166129999.
Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. is located at unit G3-G6, BJB uptown commercial square, Bandar Jasin Bestari, 77200 Bemban Malacca. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Bemban.The average price range at Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. is around RM 25 / Person,and the opening hours are 11:30 - 14:30,18:00 - 22:30.Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Bemban area. There are different kinds of food in Restaurant L.T.P Jasin Sdn. Bhd. that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60166129999.
10 Reviews
clean and great deco, not crowded, foods portion is huge and reasonable pricing. recommended
appraise this reviewKubra
光顾时间:26/10/2019,8pm( 星期六)地点:属于还没有很旺的区。附近的店都没人营业所以空的停车位很多。不会面对停车位不足的问题。离Jasin大街大概10分钟车程。下市区也方便因为出主要大路就只是1分钟的路程。服务:服务人员亲善有笑容。我在不同时间提了两个不同要求。第一次是要求一对汤匙和叉,她拿了不久后我又要求baby seat(决对不是故意的)。服务人员都很乐意协助,不会因为分两次而显得不耐烦。环境:清洁整齐。桌子跟桌子之间有足够一位成年人行动的距离。桌布和椅套都很美丽,颜色看了很舒服。价位:有看到他们推出的午餐优惠,一菜,一豆腐,还有两样忘了是什么菜,加白饭和中国茶,4人只需RM39.90,超值的。至于我吃的那餐,因为是表姐请的就无从知道价位。食物:他们的招牌炒东粉很好吃。青菜也新鲜。菜不会偏咸。可以去试。整体来说,这次的用餐经验是会让我想再光顾的。
appraise this reviewseafood