
MingYuan Seafood Steamboat


4 Reviews



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Business hours
  • Sunday: 17:00 - 23:00
  • Monday: 17:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday: 17:00 - 23:00
  • Wednesday: 17:00 - 23:00
  • Thursday: 17:00 - 23:00
  • Friday: 17:00 - 23:00
  • Saturday: 17:00 - 23:00

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MingYuan Seafood Steamboat Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • Justine Sharon


    A location for all-you-can-eat clean seafood steamboat buffet and anything fresher you need to catch them your personal. Reasonable price.

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  • Irman's_ Vlog


    The food are refreshing and cheap. Tomyam will be outstanding. Good standards of foods hygiene. Totally suggested. For visitors that's more than 2, larger table is far more convenient. You do not want your desk to be filled with plates.

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  • Hans Christian


    Prices is mid to high with RM41 per individual for adults. Children below 6 yrs . old eat free of charge while kids age 6-12 and older persons are charged RM24. Beverages are usually excluded from the prices. Overall, the surroundings is mediocre, situated in a large part lot shop.Services is good amidst having less initiative in providing assistance. Parking round the area can be an issue, if you don't take your personal risk plus park illegally, which you will have considered ample "spaces". Variety of meals is limited, however they are guaranteed more often than not fresh. There's the counter serving new prawn, crabs, seafood, squids. The standard of seafood balls, sausages, along with other processed meats are rather fresh aswell, alongside assorted mushrooms amd veggies. There os furthermore a station simply outside of the store serving teppanyaki style poultry meat, with various varieties of cooking such as for example in dark pepper sauce or buttered pan grilled poultry with spring onion. There's 2 kind of simple broth, the ordinary and the tom yam broth. Even sauces range is bound to the cut natural chilies, shallots essential oil and natural chilli sauce. Drinks which are usually charged separately, expenses RM3 per may, Anglia Shandy RM4 per may, and mineral water inside jug costs RM5. Overall, it could be considered above typical for Penang specifications, but don't expect an excessive amount of. A place well worth go to for at least one time. But ahead again? Probably not really for a long period.. Actual rating: 3.5 stars

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  • Vi Vian Woo


    After reading various reviews, I made a decision to try out this steamboat restaurant. Here’s my review: Food high quality- there are several choices but high quality is only so-so. Waiter service - zero, you'd to do all of the job including using your personal plates, cutlery etc. Quitea hassle in the event that you extravagant being out and also have a relaxing meal. Affordability: it’s pretty good if you’re a large eater. If you choose quality, then this isn't the place. Taste of food: 5 out of 10. The plastic cups are so oily. Not really been washed properly. I would give just a 3* rating. Wouldn’t maintain a hurry to return again.

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MingYuan Seafood Steamboat Location

2-1-01 Jalan Tingkat Mahsuri 1-Square, Bayan Lepas, Penang Island 11950 Malaysia

MingYuan Seafood Steamboat is located at 2-1-01 Jalan Tingkat Mahsuri 1-Square, Bayan Lepas, Penang Island 11950 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Bayan Lepas. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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